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I am just so thankful ..I have spent the past
week just thinking of the goodness of the lord...
As I write I have a big smile on my face...

A close friend  once asked me if I was happy
and I replied without thinking and I said to her happy?
no I am not happy...I am joyful
joyful not happy because happiness to me is dependent on being or having
Joy on the other hand is a richer and deeper form of happiness not dependent on being or having,just a deep satisfaction and contentment in God who is all and has all.
Joyful because I have a confident trust and assurance in God
so I am not moved whether I have or do not have..I am simply rejoicing....

I have come to realise how the enemy fights so hard to steal our joy..
he knows that once he gets us to loose our confidence and trust in God's love and abilities,
we become wonder bible says with joy I would draw waters from the wells of salvation(Isa 12:3).The wells contain in them everything you and I need in life..all that pertains to life and when the devil attacks our joy,our strength is gone. and we can't draw out the provision we need..
no strength to engage in warfare..
no strength to endure and persevere
no strength to decree and declare in faith..
no strength to praise and witness.

Today I am so thankful that my joy is still intact..
that regardless of all the enemy is trying to do, I have an unshakable trust that my God loves me and he would come through for me..I am thankful that my love for God is still strong..and that I still love and believe in God even in such an unbelieving world.

I am thankful for the fact that God has never failed and he is not about to fail me now..
As I look at the lives of my loved ones and friends and well wishers,.I can Indeed see the hand of God...

We all have so much to be thankful for. .
The challenge is to recognise the many ways the enemy tries to steal our joy with conflicting reports and fight to keep our joy intact..lets stay in His word and His presence for there we find fullness of Joy....lets keep our eyes on Jesus....lets remain confident,steadfast and immovable...
Our God is good...


Eno-obong said…
just the very encouragement l ned keep up stella................
Anonymous said…
Stella, I can't thank God enough for your life. I'm so grateful to God for who you have become in him,a true" woman of faith". Go on girl, impact your world.
Lexi said…
God works in Mysterious ways!! I'm not even sure how your blog got on my computer, I just turned it on! I have had a difficult time fighting the enemy mentally. I have been praying, and asking God to help me become more like him everyday. Your words of Faith are amazing! I read your post about the Doctor posted 4/8/13- God will heal you. And he has created beautiful ray's of hope in this dark world we live in, and you are one of them. Thank You for your blog! I am very blessed to have found it-or for it to have found me. Thank You God Bless
Stella Agwor said…
Amen so glad you have been truely blessed Our God is Awesome. .God's grace is sufficient for you my dear and I pray God meets you at the point of your every need. .victory is ours. .Stay blessed
Anonymous said…
Stella, I saw a link to your blogs on FB and have literally read through all of them (just now). You have inspired me to keep keeping on in spite of the reality of situations as they appear.
You have inspired me to HOLD ON to Gods faithfulness because things are not always be what they look like.
God has given you a voice to be that cry in the wilderness that encourages us to prepare for greater things to come. To hold on to the promises that God has made To be steadfast in our faith without wavering even when is seems almost impossible.
The truth of what you have shared with others means a lot more than you will ever imagine.
God Bless and thanks for getting me back on track to realising that "in all things and at all times give HIM (God) thanks"
Stella Agwor said…
Amen thank you. .Am truly honoured may God's name be praised.
areesha said…
Great job stells! God must b truly proud of u n HE sure showsoff wit u like he did,job in d bible. I hear HIM say"have u seen my dota -stells". Grace increased2 do more n enlarge God's kingdom.

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