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Unusual Favour

Wow...I just love this faith walk,
when things Like this happen I just know for sure that
my heavenly father is looking down on me with a big grin saying .
Who's the Boss huh?am the boss..God sure has a sense of Humour!

I still can't explain it...
I have sat looking at the letter over and over again
but still...the only thing that comes to mind is
how Unsual and uncommon this favour is...

Your itching to know right...ha ha
you can tell am in very high spirits..
I just finished dancing my famous Booty Dance for the lord
Hallelujah to His name..

I recently got a job I had been praying for(how I got it is another days post)
A very big platform and a stepping stone to the launch of my career
and 3 weeks into the job I had a family emergency
and I had to take a leave..hmmm..

This job was a fixed temporary contract running for 1 year
 subject to a 6 months probation and all that
 and here I was away from work only after 3 weeks on the Job..
The family emergency was such that I had to take an extended leave..

Now I just received a letter from my office
that I had been confirmed as a permanent staff
and my contract has been amended.

I have not even returned back to work..and yet I have been promoted
How on earth can that be explained
Is our God not Awesome..
Who promotes a new staff that has been absent the first month
of resumption of duty.
It doesn't make sense right.

God has said it..I would do more than you can ASK,THINK OR IMAGINE..
This is an undeserved favour,
My heart is full of thanksgiving.All.Praise and glory be to God!
That's the kind of God we serve..

I decree in the name of Jesus that uncommon and unusual favour would be your portion
God would walk behind the scene and cause men in high places to favour you...What is called impossible would happen for you..protocols and procedures would be broken for you..
Your time of Unusual favour has come.

And let God's people Say


Ayo Rotimi said…
ƔξA̶̲̥̅ђ ƔξA̶̲̥̅ђ ƔξA̶̲̥̅ђ, am dancing along. Congrats girl, more to come...
Anonymous said…
Congrats Ma. Amen.
Unknown said…
Congrats Ma. God is truly faithful. Amen.
Stella Agwor said…
Thank you every one...God is Awesome
Eno-obong said…
stell this is truely uncommon favour.truly God will not alllow more than you can bear.congrats l tap into this testimony protocol must be broken in my favour. amen.
Ifeoma Eugene said…
wow!! This must be God! congratulations ma....more uncommon favours will come to are highly favoured of the Lord!

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