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He is ABLE...

As I sat listening to the words
of the song by Deitrick Haddon ;He is Able.
It hit me...did I really believe that he was able
could he really do what he said he could and
even if he could, would He?

By the time the song reached the" don't give up
on God" part I was already in tears.

You know how you have prayed and fasted
believed and confessed and praised in thanskgiving
yet it begins to seem as if God hasn't heard.
You have hoped and trusted but the change still feels a far off,
You have anticipated and expected but yet no sign of manifestation. .

Ah giving up on God can be very subtle O
that unspoken or unexpressed doubt
that little hesitation,
the sigh, that is seen in our expression
The gradual acceptance that oh maybe this is not going to work
maybe it is or is not God's will
yeah..the Maybe's

As I poured out my heart the holy spirit resounded  this to me
Don't give up on God..He is not A man that he should lie
He is Able to do more than you can are so close to your
miracle don't give up..don't stop hoping...
There is purpose in your pain..
The harder the situation the easier it is for God to step in...

As I let the spirit in..As I allowed his words to soak my heart and mind..
I began to see..
I began to see the Awesomeness of my God..
I was going to continue to hope even against all hope
I  would continue to believe and rejoice.
Like Abraham,I am going to judge God faithful. ..
I am not going to consider the odds that are against me..
I would stay persuaded that what He has promised
He is able to perform...Rom4:18-21.

Thank you holy spirit..need to get some


Ayo Rotimi said…
Hmmmm... Hoping against hope (bear hug dearest sister).
Anonymous said…
Oh Yes He's more than able!
Anonymous said…
Exceedingly,abundantly above all, God is able
Mmeme Udoh said…
It's amazing how God speaks the same word to so many people @ the same time! this is like my 4th confirmation this've just got to believe that He is ABLE cos He really is! we live in times where people are afraid to believe becos there is this myth that the opposite of what you say is what happens. but i choose to believe that God is Able and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him....thumbs up Sis! luv ya much

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