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My African Broom

My African Broom.

I have so many fond memories of growing up and lately It has been the little things that have left me feeling nostalgic, let’s attribute it to missing my native home.So when I found some bunches of broom at my local African shop
a year ago it triggered a whole range of emotions.
I am so sure I had seen those bunches of brooms before that day and never took notice of them,
But on this particular day,I felt drawn to them and So I bought one.

I can’t explain how it made me feel, there was just something so comforting and familiar about holding a broom in my hands
It evoked so many memories.
I remember as a junior in secondary school, my daily morning duty was to sweep
the entrance into our dormitory and you were considered lucky if that was your
I remembered the huge palm tree that sat in our front yard in our old house and how my mother would make my brother and I serve punishment making brooms from the palm leaves for being naughty 
Ah! my childhood.

 I was so pleased with my new found treasure and as I swept my kitchen for the first time with my new broom,I was just so amazed how little things we similarly take for granted in one season of our lives can be the same thing at another season that brings us so much joy and comfort.
Who would have thought that a common broom can evoke such warm memories.
I suddenly discovered a new found love for sweeping, it made it easier to tidy after the kids and I didn’t have to go through the rigours of using my hoover every time.
It could reach corners, nooks and crannies my hover couldn’t reach and it gave me such a sense of satisfaction.
I honestly wondered why I had waited so long to acquire such a useful tool.

Few weeks ago, as I tidied up after the kids,I noticed that my faithful broom had missed some 
corners,It had grown shorter and shorter over time with use and now it wasn’t quite doing what I
wanted it do it,You see for the kind of house I had, a short broom was no good,I mean I could still use it elsewhere but it had failed to serve the true purpose for which I got it.
So, off I went to the African shop with a smirk on my face and bought me a fine new broom.

As I unveiled my brand new broom,I spied the former “broom” sitting pitifully in a corner and before I could do a #you brought this on yourself dance, I could feel a tug in my spirit as a picture was painted before me of the many times I had cut corners or become complacent in my own walk with God.
I could hear God saying girl; there have been many times I had wanted to use you but you were not fit for purpose,So many times you made excuses and were plain lazy.How about the times you became overfamiliar  with me and didn’t give me your best.
So just the way you bought yourself a brand new broom,
I, had to use someone else; to do what you were meant to have done.

Other times I wanted to use you, but you had stopped being relevant
Stopped growing in the word,Stopped Praying,Stopped witnessing 
You had become like the short broom; stiff and not flexible enough to go wherever I pleased.
You were still usable but not like I had desired
So I used someone else; to do what you were meant to do.

Mercy lord, was all I could say.
Isn’t it amazing how God catches our attention and uses the least obvious to convict us.
Lord have mercy!

Today, this post is for me and I hope it speaks to your heart too
Are you bringing God pleasure?
Can He depend on you to be his eyes, ears and feet?
Are you useful and relevant to God or have you become obsolete?
Are you fulfilling your God given purpose and using your gifts and talents to bring God glory?
Are you a vessel of honour or dishonour?
In the end this is all that would count;
That our  everyday, ordinary life—our sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—was pleasing to God.Rom 12:1
Remember you were made for more than merely existing on this earth.
You were made to make God smile.

My prayer is that as we turn to God in repentance 
And are purged of everything that makes us unfit for his ultimate purpose 
That we would keep ourselves pure so we can be relevant and useful to God in our generation in Jesus mighty Name.Amen

Stay Blessed.

“In a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use. If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honourable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:20-21‬ ‭NLT‬‬‬‬‬‬


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