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When It Makes No Sense

This Past week was pretty hard... Every day was a struggle,
a struggle to get up, a struggle to stay strong
 a struggle to keep smiling
Only God knows the hurt and pain I have to endure..

A Colleague asked me
how my little one was and I told him..
His reply..".It doesn't make sense"
and I paused and I thought.....truly it doesn't make sense
The Pop up animal baby book I bought weeks ago
only just arrived and as I browsed through the pages,
I couldn't help but hold back a tear..
It just doesn't make sense

And as I turned and tossed in bed late at night
I couldn't help but let out the well of tears I restrained all day..
I miss my baby..I miss her coos..I miss her so much,
This does not make sense at all...
Some days are harder than the others..
but It is on days like this that God gives more grace
It is at times like this that I pour out my heart to the lord and
Ask to see through his eyes because my vision is blurred with tears
And my short sightedness..
 I don't understand why I have to go through this road
 I don't understand how God is going to bring good out of this

 I don't know so many things..
 But I know that what I know is enough to see me through my pain
 I know that God Loves me...very much.
 I know that he is a Good God.
 I know that my pain or problem does not equal HIS plan and promises for my life
 and I trust Him to keep his promise.
Most importantly I know God is in control..and it makes sense to HIM...
For God's nonsense is wiser than human wisdom,
 and God's weakness is stronger than human strength(1 COR 1:25).

 So hard as it may be ...I am going to draw strength and assurance from this scripture..
 It makes no sense to me..but It does to God
 and in a short while I would understand why I had to go through this...
 And as I remember how far HE has brought me and all HE has done for me
 Hope wells up inside me..
 So as I wipe my tears I encourage myself again and again
 and I encourage you too....

 Child of GOD..
 Yes it doesn't make sense that Mum had to go
 after the whole family prayed,fasted,believed and praised
 Yes it doesn't make sense that you keep having
 miscarriages after miscarriages especially as you are faithful and love the lord..
 I know it doesn't make sense that the promotion or desired
Job you want and are so qualified for keeps being denied or delayed
 I know it doesn't make sense that your kids are rebellious
 even after praying and loving them in spite of all
It makes no sense that you are still unmarried,or ill or in a bad marriage
I know in your situation and Life right many things don't make sense
Whatever it is that is senseless to you lay it at the master's feet
let him make sense out of the nonsense

I have decided to let go of all the questions....
Hard as it may be and trust the one who knows it all
I surrender every situation to him...
and right now I say lord,Have your way...
Make sense out of this Nonsense because you know my end from my beginning
It hurts,It is so hard... But I choose to trust
that you the only wise God are in absolute control...

So child of God...let's pray this together.
Dear lord I really don't have to understand it all
because my human mind can't even comprehend it...
Just help me trust that you are in control
In Jesus Mighty Name..Amen

Then God's peace, which goes far beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your hearts and minds in union with the Messiah Jesus.(PHIL 4:7)ISV


Anonymous said…
May His Peace remain with u n give u a calmness that none can comprehend.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen. .God bless you.
Josephine said…
Very true dear, many things don't make sense, but as u said we continue to trust God who can make sense out of nonsense. Thanks for d piece. Just shed a tear too. Am blessed!
Stella Agwor said…
Thanks darln...I read this post too and struggled to hold back a tear...we can only but trust him...luv u my dear..God bless you..Thanks for Reading and sharing. .
Ade said…
As you continue on this trajectory God will give you His peace that surpasses all understanding & in His time He will surpass all your expectations. You are truly an inspiration.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen. .thank you so much Pst Ade for reading and Sharing...God bless you.
Abidemi said…
For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. (I Corinthians 13:12 NKJV). The death of Jesus Christ did not make any physical sense, but is still and will forever be the greatest spiritual victory . Our journey of faith is a mysterious one and only arriving at our destination in Christ will explain the many questions that we seek answers to. We will continue to trust Him. Sweet I am so proud of you, you have been a source of strength . May Gods grace continue to abide with us.
Anonymous said…
Words so powerful,sooo encouraging,so uplifting,so soothing,soooooo heart warming,sooo comforting,soooo refreshing n reviving.GOD bless and inspire you much more dear,to help us stand, go thru, hope, trust N believe.Stay strong stells! luv u.

kemi said…
Hmmmm, my dear Stella, u r truly an inspiration. May God continue to be with you. Amen
chinwe said…
Nice piece stella, so touchy,God will continue to see u through ok. Be strong.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen my darln. ..God bless you too for being a man of faith and great strength. ..We would continue to trust....I Love you my darln....proud of you too.God bless you.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen. .thank you for reading and commenting..God bless you.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen my darl. ..God bless you...luv u dear yummies. .
Stella Agwor said…
Amen thanks alot. .He would continue to strengthen us..
Flo'AU said…
Yes, it all doesn't make sense!!! How does God bless me with such a beautiful man/marraige and no child? didn't He say ''children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward''? Am i not worthy of this reward? how? why? when? what do i need to do?! So many questions and it all doesn't make sense but i am still here!

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