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As we got on the motor way
with all our belongings and began the 2 hour journey
back to a place I called home nearly 2 years ago..
I could not help but cast my mind back to all the events that had
happened within that space of time..

In My last post I wrote about how my husband and I moved to
a place we had never heard of before and how God had honoured our
faith and blessed us in return..

As we made our way back to all that was familiar..
My thoughts went to a particular woman in bible days
She was called Naomi...
She Had at some point in her life left family and friends and moved
away to some place with her husband and children to Escape the famine that
plagued the land where she lived.

Many years had gone by and a lot did happen in Naomi's life..
She watched her children grow, she watched them get married
and She watched them die...not only that She also lost her husband.
Little wonder as she returned back home she said to herself and anyone who cared to listen
don't call me "Naomi" Call me bitter...for God had turned his back on me..
She said." I went out full but see I have returned back empty"...

Don't we feel that way sometimes especially when we experience a season
of loss, disappointment and heart break..
We feel that God has forsaken us...We feel totally abandoned..
It is so easy to become is so easy to want to let our circumstances and
past experiences define us...Just like Naomi did..
She changed her name from Naomi meaning Pleasant and Mara meaning Bitter..

I can so relate with this Woman....
Writing about this brings tears to my eyes..
I too Like Naomi  Is not returning back the same way I left..
I have experienced the loss of a child..
I have felt abandoned and forsaken...
I still have unanswered questions..
but every day. I choose not to be bitter..
I choose to see God for who He is ...A faithful God..
I choose to see all that God has imparted me with
I choose to see how my pain has given me a new purpose

God settled Naomi in the end she had a grand son
who is in the lineage of Jesus.
 He changed her story...and turned her mourning into
Joy..(Ruth 1-4)

It can be difficult to see past the pain and find purpose
through your pain..
but God would never put more on us than we can bear..
He give us grace to lay our hurts and bitterness at his feet
and exchange it for joy, strength and faith for tomorrow.

It is a new season for me..
With my eyes of faith I see what God is set to do
I may have experienced great loss
but God has promised that He would restore a 100 fold
I refuse to be bitter, God allowed me go through the last 2 years of my life
so I could be better, stronger and wiser for it..
and with a grateful, joyful heart I am looking forward
to a New season of restoration.

I want to encourage you
regardless of what you have experienced in the past
It is time to look up..
It is time to be expectant...
The season of remembrance is here..

God bless you..

Feel free to share..some one might need this


Unknown said…
"It can be difficult to see past the pain and find purpose
through your pain..
but God would never put more on us than we can bear.."
These lines summed it up for me. I can so relate. Often times when we are passing through a period of test, we can get so swallowed up by it that we can hardly see the light at the end of the tunnel. But I have learnt that trials and tests come to push out the lion within us- they make us stronger and if we do not allow ourselves to get bitter, we become better and the lessons would have been learnt.
Sorry about your loss, I can identify with the feelings of losing a child. Because I lost one too, but through it all, God is faithful. Well done.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen dear sis..So true..
difficult as it may seem,God still works all things together for our good.
Thank you so much for commenting..God bless you and may He continue to
give us reasons to smile..
Awo King-Hans said…
Amen dear, you are in d spirit, the prophecy in church today was it is our season of remembrance. We are moving from everything that represents Lodebar in our lives to our palace. That is restoration.
Stella Agwor said… is our season of restoration indeed..I am so expectant,It is already happening,Glory be to God.
lauretta said…
God bless you for this message. God does indeed have a purpose for every tear that we shed so we can wipe the tears of the world. I am a living testimony of this. I pray that all others come to the same conclusion.
Stella Agwor said…
God bless you too dear Lauretta..there is indeed purpose for every tear shed..may God grant us the strength to continue to trust him regardless of what we go through. ..It is well..
Unknown said…
God bless u Stella. All His plans concerning you will surely come to pass! It is well. Thank u for sharing.

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