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baby steps...

I recently had a long conversation with one of my big sisters
and as we talked and shared she asked me a question relating to something
I had been talking about for a while but had not yet done..
what are you waiting for she asked,
As I stammered my way through  her question
I replied'' I am still building my faith''
as impressive as I thought it sounded
I realised in itself how silly my reply was..
and then it dawned on me..
I was was fear speaking not faith..
my reply as spiritual as it sounded was so fickle

I was afraid of the what ifs
what if it didn't work out..
what if .....
too many what ifs plaguing my mind..
and thankfully she could sense my fears
and she rebuked me..
and in an instant I knew God was speaking to me..
I knew I needed to hear the truth,
I had spent so much time listening to all the voices speaking in my head
and now it was time to focus on what was true..
If God has said it..that's all I need
It is time to act..

God never said I needed a truckload of faith to do anything
He never said ...Stella for this thing that is before you,you need
to grow your faith for 1 year before you can have it..
He said all you need is faith in me...a tiny winy mustard seed size would do the job
run with what you have..I am so sure if peter considered the storm he would never have walked on water in the first place..

Faith is not the absence of doubts,but it is still trusting and acting
on God's word regardless..of what has been said and who is saying what..
Faith is trusting that God is big enough to make good his promise
regardless of my experiences or the facts or reports before me..
so I have decided to take a step of faith,even if it is a baby step
that is all I need to get going..
God would meet me where I am,not standing and waiting but
while I make my baby steps of faith..

So here is what I have done...I have looked for the one scripture
I need for this mountain of mine to move...and that is all I need to keep
my faith fueled...
every time the fear or doubt comes.. I am going to remind it of what
this one scripture says..
I am going to move this mountain because God's says I can...
my faith would bear baby steps would eventually
become strong unwavering adult steps...
but I gotta start from somewhere

so what is your own excuse....
matt 9:29 "Because of your faith, it will happen."
I challenge you to take a step of faith today..take a baby step and that would be enough
to get you going...
don't sit there waiting for a miracle..
If only we would take a step we would be that miracle..

Get up...act now

*share with me what scripture you are standing on..
mine is Nahum 1:9 (What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time.)


Unknown said…
am taking my baby steps now tnx for this encougarement.
Arit said…
Faith a small as a mustard seed is all we need ... I am trusting God for restoration in my body and my scripture has been 'but if the spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead, He who raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His spirit that dewlleth in you'. I'm due to receive the doctor's report soon and I expect it to be goodnews all the way!
Stella Agwor said…
yes..I join my faith with yours Arit...You shall have whatsoever you say..Health is your portion..God bless you dear,
Unknown said…
my scripture is Heb 11:1 Faith is being SURE of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.. Absolutes here, no half measures. God bless you Stells
Stella Agwor said… this translation..being sure of what we hope for..May God continue to prove himself as we stand on his word....thanks for sharing dear Inyang..bless you sis

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