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Change is a very necessary phase in life...
We are constantly required to embrace change
and desire change..
But most importantly being Able to discern
when Change is due is the key to an impactful life.               

In the last couple of months I had been battling with a decision to change Jobs..
I had thought about it,talked about it,worried about it...and yes I prayed about  it..
Why a change of Job...I came up with all the seemingly good reasons why
I needed the move and I entered into a long dialogue with myself..and I could hear the
holy spirit impress upon my heart that it wasn't time for a move..not what  I wanted to hear so
I tried to reason with the Lord,Yes I wanted his will..but couldn't  we come to a compromise..
 I am sure He just laughed and shook his head as he silently watched on from then on...

A day or two after I had this inner battle of will..I saw a Job vacancy..My Ideal Job
Perfect Location,Perfect Salary and  It could not have come at a more perfect time..
I applied and then waited...Now every time I thought about the possibility of getting this Job
and moving..I lost my peace..and this was a clear Sign that God was not in favor of this..
So I began to pray the Fleece Prayer...Lord If it is not your will let me not get the Job..If it is your will
let me get the Job...(sound familiar anyone?)
I wasn't shortlisted in the end and it was with mixed feelings that I heaved a sign of relief. was the Temptation...a few days after I received a reply saying I wasn't shortlisted
The same job was advertised again..I decided to apply again just for the fun of It..and guess what
I was invited for an Interview....I prayed,prepared and showed up....But...I didn't get the job.

What is going on here...Lord what are you trying to say to me...
I understand that one wrong move in the wrong direction can be very fatal..
being at the right place at the wrong time can delay and frustrate you big time..
This was my Future,My career...there was no  place for hasty decisions...

I had to go to God in repentance and say lord...It isn't about what I feel is best for me..It is your perfect will I am after...Help me understand why I have to stay..

And He began to speak...He said to me Stella....too many people have moved before it was time
and have ended up being half baked,almost good but not excellent...
Too many times...we looked for a way out when it became stressful,demanding and difficult.
Too many of my children have moved in a hurry and ended up going to places I didn't send them to
He began to explain to me that He had placed me where I was to develop build capacity..
To develop skill and be the best...
He began to remind me that if I was going to end up in the palace tomorrow..It was going to be not only as a result of His Favour and grace but as a result of preparation.

I began to look back and could see God's hand of favour in my place of work...I could see the specific people God had been using to mentor me....
I could see all that God had put in place for me to grow....contentment and Gratitude began to well up in my heart.
God said..this is my plan..The circumstances that surround you now may not be so convenient..But this is why I have placed you here...It is only for a season..
This is the season to put pride away and learn..
This is the season to  sacrifice and sow seeds that you would reap in the future
Stay where you are..because where you are is fertile and has all that you need for your future..
Your next level of sucess is tied to your present it is time to change your mentality..bend down now so you can stand tall tomorrow.
When you are fully would know..When it is time to would know

Yet again I was full of thanksgiving to God for being so mindful of me...
For preventing me from going on the wrong path...
For Reassuring me of his plan..
So as I go to work each day there is a renewed sense of purpose..
this is my time to learn and grow...and I would reap the fruits if I faint not..

Not all opportunities that present to you are endorsed by God..
there would always be counterfeits,detours...and they come disguised as the real deal
Recognising what season you are in your life is key...for me it is a season to take root and grow
for some other It my be a season to expand and move on...don't compare yourself with another..
depend on the Holyspirt to reveal,lead and to guide..
Before you make that move...
May God continue to help us and may we always be in the centre of his will
God bless you.

.... 1 chron 12:32..And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.(KJ)


Amba E. said…
Lovely write-up dear. Its something i too can relate with. I'm learning to be patient, waiting on God. Its amazing how He is more concerned about us than we think we are about ourselves. :-)
Stella Agwor said…
Thanks dear for reading and commenting...God is indeed concerned about every detail of our lives..We receive grace to continue to trust him.God bless you sis.

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