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I looked at my husband, this sweet, sweet man that God had blessed me with, and the tears flowed freely; “I am tired, I am tired “I muttered repeatedly as my sobs progressed to deep groans. When would this end, I am so tired! It had been such a difficult season, a season that seemed unending. The week before I had lost a wallet with some valuables and I could barely get home and this week I had parked my car and my plate numbers were stolen. It felt like the enemy had employed all his cohorts and the mission was to “STEAL OUR JOY” and deflate our spirit at all cost.

It was a hard season; I was physically and mentally tired. God had probably gone on vacation, couldn’t he see what we were going through? like God how far, how much longer was this going to go on for and how much more could we bear?

 I was so sure that God had not forsaken us, I was confident that there was a reason for all these, so I held on to my conviction that God was indeed a good God but I must confess that on days like these my faith was shaky, it felt like we had been making the same prayer request for ages, circling the same mountain, dealing with the same challenge; it had been 1 whole year and my husband was still with no job. It felt like God himself had closed the door of employment on us. Recruiters that used to chase him for roles began to avoid his calls, we thought he had contacts in his industry, but everyone he knew kept giving one excuse or the other. We had to live on 1 income, and it was barely enough to sustain our family being that his income was 3 times mine.  

Our faith was stretched like never before, but God kept showing us that he was with us, even in the midst of what seemed like fire, I look back and see how he kept the peace in our home, not one day did we have a fight over the fact that there was not enough money at home. I imagine the kind of issues that stem from lack of finances in a home and I know how insecure women can be as a result of that and the conflicts that can arise but through it all we experienced a level of joy and contentment that could only come from God, growth and maturity.

I remembered how God had given us a prophecy that my husband was going to be very great and wealthy. That we were going to be a blessing to many, that was like in our 2nd year of marriage and I honestly fantasized about what it would truly look like for us when this greatness materialised. As the years have progressed we have seemed to be moving so far away from that picture of greatness that I nursed in my heart, my vision included something like lots of billions in my account, fleet of cars, an array of hired help and probably a closet filled with the finest assortment.(very vain, I know, don’t judge me, lol)

I am so sure, that even angels where shaking their heads, one in disapproval and two in pity as if to say, you this child you have no clue as to what was coming. I had no idea what the journey to greatness looked like and that it involved mandatory suffering.

It has now dawned on me what the magnitude of being great truly means, and that when God says you would be great, it means roll your sleeves up for the grating that is to come. That is for greatness to come, he was first going to take you through a process that involves pain, sweat, tears and ultimately blood to rid you of certain mindsets, attitudes, appetites/desires, character and a whole worth not so that when he is over you can be the very best of what he has destined you to be.

Like for real, you hear these sermons, you read about Joseph and all he had to go through before he got to the palace but somehow we expect God to just skip that class when it comes to us and promote us straight to the palace. We want the glory without a story, gain without pain. No process, no journey, we just want to arrive.

But this grating is long, hard, painful and sometimes degrading or shameful in the eyes of people. They look at you, shake their heads in pity and sigh, poor man, look at him he is so unlucky, his life is so hard. Look at her, her own is so bad, at age 38, no one has ever proposed to her, oh; she is so unfortunate maybe God shut her womb, no child yet, it has been 8years.

They look at your journey, your struggles, the pit stops and detours you have undergone and conclude that just maybe God has forgotten you, they laugh and jeer at you, you become a gossip topic disguised as a prayer request. It can be so discouraging but hang in there, dear Child of God, don’t be discouraged, there is greatness in you and God only knows what you would become, He is working on and in you. He is preparing you, shaping you, moulding you for all that he is preparing for you. Would you pass the test?

I look back now and see how much God used that season to work on our character, I see how He matured us, how he dealt with pride and pomposity in us by allowing my husband work as a labourer in a warehouse for long hours. He used that pruning, grating experience to make him humble, compassionate and even a better husband and father. He would come home excited thankful to God for the privilege to have a job again, he had learnt the true value of work and he worked with his whole heart. He put all his big qualifications aside and he knew he had to feed his family, so he rolled his sleeves up and not once did he think it was beneath him. It didn’t change his identity neither did he define himself by what he did, he would go for meetings during the day pursuing his dreams and he would work at night in a warehouse, I watched my husband stay joyful and full of faith, showing up in church every Sunday and it is amazing how God’s grace makes it look easy when we depend wholly on him during a season of adversity. It is said that adversity reveals the true strength of a man and for some of us, the reason why God would keep certain prayers from being answered is because we cannot handle pressure and we need to be refined through the crucible of adversity and trouble.

5 months after my husband worked in a warehouse after searching for high paying jobs for 12 months, he got a job without an interview that saw him earning in 1 day what he earned working a 12-hour shift in a week. Just like that, after a season of what looked like an unending siege of hardship God showed up; praise God.

There are so many lessons in our story that you can glean from;

1.       God never leaves or forsakes you even when He is quiet, it is intentional

2.       Not all suffering is from the devil, suffering is good for you, endure it.

3.       Adversity reveals your true character; and God is more interested in who you become, and He would use adversity as a tool to refine your character, so you become more like Christ.

4.       What you are going through does not change who God is, God is Good.

5.       While you are waiting for your big door to open, don’t sit idle, go get a job, for there is dignity in labour and nothing is beyond you.

6.       Every word or prophecy God has given you is true, even if it tarries, it shall surely come to pass.

I hope our story has encouraged and uplifted you, God would not fail you. Regardless of what it is you are going through remember who you truly are; a king. You are born for greatness! Suffering is good, endure it.

God loves you.

 1 Peter 5:10 The Passion Translation (TPT)

And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all loving grace, who has called you to share in his eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make you stronger than ever. Yes, he will set you firmly in place and build you up.

2 Timothy 2:3

You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.


Thank you so much Stella. This is very much needed. We are strengthened and equipped with all we require for the days ahead, in Jesus name, Amen!
Stella Agwor said…
Praise God dear. Amen and Amen.

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