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Leave the grave behind!!!!

Leave the grave behind…

April…has always been that month of the year
that tugs at my heart for so many reasons..
This year was no exception,

So many memories are laced all through this month
I lost my mother and my daughter around Easter time,
And I also celebrate my salvation day and big brother’s birthday in April as well.
Isn’t it ironic that life has a way of bringing so much joy and sorrow concurrently,
As one life ceases, a new one begins..almost immediately
The very force of nature nudging you to the acceptance of what the circle of life truly is..
The reality of life and death
If the concept of death still terrifies you,  I urge you to embrace it as the knowledge of the fickleness of life would spur us to live our lives purposefully.

I sat the other day on the 6th Anniversary of my late daughter’s death
And I honestly could feel no sorrow,
Rather a deep wave of gratitude overwhelmed me,
I was thankful for the fact that God was healing and mending my broken heart..
Thankful for the grace to not be stuck in grief and in bitterness
Thankful because my pain is not written on my face, rather joy exudes,
Thankful because I somehow found the courage to embrace my pain and not run away from it.
Thankful because I did not stay angry at God for letting us go through what was a harrowing experience.

I remember telling someone recently how we had lost a 1 year old child, and
her face dropped in horror, “you don’t look it”came her reply..
Look it ? I quizzed, ha please tell me how one who has lost a child looks o..
No o! came her apologetic response, is just that you are just so happy and you are always smiling.

I get it, so life has hit me hard,
I have had a couple of traumatic experiences
May be  some of my scars are very visible while others are not,
I might even have a limp, that tells a story of what I have been through..
But regardless of what my experiences in life have been
I have a choice to either wear sack clothes and mourn every day of my life or choose to respond with joy and gratitude.
I could also allow all that my past has come with to define or label me, or hide my scars, never talk about it and wear a veil so thick you never see the real me.

There are so  many broken and hurting people buried in emotional and psychological graves.
Stuck in experiences too deep, too heavy, too painful to move past from.
I love the fact that if Jesus could leave the grave behind I also have been given the power to
Regardless of how bad or painful whatever I have experienced is,
Because He lives, I can live, I can face tomorrow, I can heal from that hurt.
So I have chosen to embrace life and to not allow the pain of loss keep me bound
To not wallow in self pity and bitterness
I have accepted God’s help and little by little, I have bounced back
because that is what God does for His children, He walks with us, seeing us through some hard core stuff and then He pours His grace on us and beautifies and restores our lives so we don’t look like what we have been through.

I sat with a lady a while ago after a marriage of 18 years had ended bitterly,
And all I could see was a once beautiful woman now aged with sorrow buried in the grave of disappointment, anger and bitterness, she wore it on her face and her words showed her hurt and pain.
It had been 5 years since her divorce and yet her pain was raw that I could feel it.

It’s not enough that you met with hurt, pain or disappointment
It’s not enough that you where deceived, abused, rejected, abandoned, cheated on,
Or that you experienced the pain and heartache of loss
The ultimate plan of the enemy is that you stay buried in the grave of whatever it is you have experienced
That you stay down and never rise from it
That you change your name from joyful to sorrowful
That you never revive that dream or try again
That you never trust again or love again.
That is where the devil lost, because He could not keep Jesus buried past the 3rd day.
He broke through the dirt, He left the grave and everything it represented behind
So you could do same..

This post is for you who feels stuck in grief, who feels like they lost that golden opportunity
Who feels like the are not good enough or worth much because of what happened,
Because of who left, because of what was said and what was done.
What ever it is that is keeping you from living your best life,
Whatever it is that is robbing you of your full potential in life.
I pray you find the courage today to break through the dirt and rise up..
I pray you receive strength to leave behind whatever grave that has kept you bound.
I pray you ask Jesus to help you rise again
I pray you have the right people around you that would hold your hands and love you through this season.
I pray you have the wisdom to seek the appropriate help that you need( professional/ pastoral counselling,  therapy, medical help) to bounce back again.
May you truly live a free and full life In Jesus Name,Amen.

“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

“He will destroy death for always. The LORD God will dry the faces of everyone who has tears in their eyes. People will not feel ashamed again, over all the earth. That is what the LORD has promised to do.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭25:8‬ ‭EASY‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Feel free to share.
God loves you so much.



Anonymous said…
Es sind maximal 0 von 123 Trophäen erspielbar.
Anonymous said…
Es sind maximal 47 von 49 Trophäen erspielbar.
Anonymous said…
Schon der Behandlung müssen Chip Gefahren von Volk bekannt Sein auch
weil Zwang die Person mit die durchläuft der Therapie bestimmen.
In welcher Heilanstalt hält gegenseitig dieser Patient etwa 6 Zahlungsfrist aufschieben auf:
1 Stunde dauert die voroperative Vorbereitung, bspw.

anderthalb Stunde jener Eingriff sogar darüber hinaus die restliche Zeit Gesundungsprozess hinter der
Manipulation. Die Fäden werden getreu 10 Konferieren entfernt.
Ebendiese tun es aber auch als Folge eines kulturellen Wandels des Körperverständnisses.
Die Plastische Chirurgie ist ein faszinierendes und kreatives chirurgisches Territorium.
Was einmal nur bei den Prominenten abgemacht wurde, wird in den letzten Jahren 24/24 mehr zum
Besten von den europäischen Normalbürger gern. Russen darüber
hinaus Amerikaner mögen, dass man sieht, dass man operiert wurde.
Die meisten Patienten sind keine Ausländer, Chip sich in Spanien operieren lassen, sondern Einheimische, zu 80 Perzentil Frauen nicht zuletzt 20 Prozent
Männer. Wir erfreut sein uns auf Ihren Besuch
im Prevention Center Zürich. Falls nicht, kann er gegenseitig an den Künstlern dieser Auferweckung briefen auch zum Musterbeispiel die Schönheitsideale Michelangelos an dessen Marmorskulptur »David« Student sein.

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