Can you see it ? How time flies, I can’t believe it’s the end of the 1st quarter of 2019 already, Where did the time go? How was it for you? Honestly, the 1st quarter for me has been different from how I envisaged it would be, I thought that A, B and C would have fallen in place, but for some reason or the other it hasn’t. Yet, in spite of all that, I have made good progress. Progress in the sense that, I have a clearer picture of what I must do to bring about the results that I seek.There are many things that are out of my control, things that only God can do but I must take Ownership of the things In my power that I must do to bring out the Changes, the progress and the elevation that I desire to see in my life, family and ministry. Question is….am I willing to pay the price for the future that I see? What is the future that I see? What must I do today, that would take me closer to the future that I see? This past few months, it’s become clear ...
You would never walk alone,as long as you have faith....