March 2018… It takes seconds literally for the course of your life to be altered, I mean phone call, letter, knock on the day you name it. I remember going to the health centre for a check up.. And within minutes of being there,I was referred to the emergency department My year was going smoothly, then boom. It happened so fast,I barely had time to process what was going on, It turned out,I was pregnant with a contraceptive coil in situ and I was bleeding profusely. Pregnant? How..I cried..Why me lord,I honestly thought it was a joke, God like seriously you must be teasing me,I couldn’t understand what was going on.. You read the statistics,99 percent effective why was I the 1percent I cried tears husband was amused and confused. We were pregnant. I had not even come to terms with being pregnant When there were concerns of possible complications For 3 weeks I went back and forth the hospital to be scanned and every doctor I met could not offe...
You would never walk alone,as long as you have faith....