I Dare you to Praise! The wait was the hardest part, each passing day brought with it a certain kind of dread,What would the outcome be? What would be our fate?All sorts of scenarios played out in my mind, and time seemed to have come to a halt, it was a nerve wracking wait.I would catch myself staring into thin air as the days leading up to the fateful day went by in a blur. It took forever before the result of our daughter's diagnosis was finally released and I can still remember sitting in front of the consultant as He looked at my husband and I and told us our daughter was not going to be ok, He said it with no display of emotion, perhaps years of delivering bad news to people must have hardened him up, I couldn’t blame him. I cannot remember the wave of emotions and thoughts that ran through my mind but the ride back from the hospital is one I can never forget.We sat in total silence for that hour long ride home, everyone consumed with their own thoughts, trying to ma...
You would never walk alone,as long as you have faith....