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We don’t “gat it all together!

A few Sundays ago,I went to church really heavy,
I did my best that day to wear an” all is well with me mask”(I am sure you know what I am referring to)
And as the praise and worship went on, I couldn’t help but remove the mask and bawl before my Daddy, the tears were uncontrollable.

I could sense how uncomfortable the lady beside me was, she didn’t know whether to console me or just pretend she hadn’t noticed.😊
I wiped my tears, attempted to save what was left of my foundation and made it through to the end of service.
That same Sunday someone approached me and said she admired me
That I always seemed so put together.
Really,I thought to myself
How easily deceived we are by ones outward packaging.
The fancy clothes, makeup and nice perfume
I shook my head, as I walked away if only she knew.

You see, Last month I went through Something really really painful
I didn’t know I had so much raw emotions still in me,
I thought after I had lost my daughter 5years ago
That I had cried and drained up all the tears I had.😂
Honestly,I have not cried the way I cried last month in a long long time.
I was broken,I was devastated, confused to say the list.

I was equally angry at God for letting me experience pain again,
Why God, haven’t I been through enough, haven’t I paid my dues,
I was so angry that my father would look the other way, while I went through
Another life changing experience.
I smile now at my childish fit, after all I am still A child,A child of a loving God.
He is still a good God who loves me and He is sovereign.

I choose to trust that if he allows me experience pain,He allows it for my own good.

I might not like it but His plans for me are still good inspite of it.

I shared with a friend few weeks back what I had experienced and she screamed,
Stella you mean you were going through all that?
How on earth are you managing to stay afloat and sane,
How are you managing to still wear a smile.

Ah.....we all are going through what we are going through and we sure don’t look like it,
But God’s grace does carry us through.
we cry, rant, sometimes scream, then we wipe our tears and praise.
We rise up! put some make up and show up, like” we all gat it together”
Truth is....We don’t “ gat it together” but God does.
He is in control.

Today A sweet lady told me she was losing faith,
She was believing God for certain things that were being delayed and she wasn’t sure she had faith anymore,She was discouraged and overwhelmed.
I could totally relate.
I said to her, you don’t have faith because you have simply forgotten where He brought you from,
The prayer points of yesterday that have become a reality today.
Take out time to recount his goodness and faith would be restored.
This right here is how I manage to stay joyful and always smiling,

It is so hard to trust God especially in difficult seasons but trust is our only option.
It is either we trust God and die or we trust God and die.
 Two things can either happen to us when we go through a season of testing
It’s either we go through it joyfully and come out better for it
Or we go through it with Great discouragement and miss an opportunity for growth.
Have you ever been around Christians who are going through stuff and you spend 5mins with them and you are so drained and deflated because they are so full of complaints.
You Just want to scream, hey sis, you  are not the only one broke or not married or not pregnant yet,
Me too am going through what I am going through, but I am choosing to count it all joy.

I hope this post can truly encourage someone,
Hang in there,GOD has got you.
Everyone is going through something
We all have a cross to Carry!
But His word says It shall come to pass.
Look over your shoulder for a second and reach out to someone else other than yourself.
While you are waiting for God to meet your need, be your brothers keeper,
Don’t dwell on yourself.

While you are waiting….

1.Make it a habit of casting your cares daily on the lord,Trust that He is able and leave it there.
2.Stop complaining in the name of sharing your burden
3.Take care to control the atmosphere around your  house, work etc.Do this by staying in an atmosphere of praise and worship.Sing to yourself, psalms, hymns spiritual songs, making melody in your heart to the lord Eph 5:19.
4.Let God’s word sieve our thoughts.
5.Remember your past testimonies.
6..look over your shoulder and encourage someone else through your struggles.
Be a blessing.

God bless you.Stay Joyful.


Unknown said…
I need to share this to encourage myself and some of my friends.
Unknown said…
God will always be in control. Keep having Faith in our God of impossible wonders.
Stella Agwor said…
Dearest Ik e please do share and stay encouraged. Lots of love
Stella Agwor said…
Amen dearest Big sis.
Grace said…
count it all joy! I was shocked when you told me and I was also questioning God. in everything, the fact remains that God is GOOD!
Stella Agwor said…
I know darln..thank you for crying and laughing with me.Through it all God is good.Love you Sis.

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