I have truly missed writing...
Time sure has a way of going by.
Hours run into days,days into weeks and before you know it..boom....Babies are Running.lol.
Trust me my mind has been writing chapters and making mental notes
But my brain and body have been somewhat too weak to connect the dots and cross the T's.
But Alas...I am here,and I am truly grateful for the gift of life.
I must confess this year has been a really tough year for me,
It has been really challenging,amidst the smiles they have been tears and
Heart aches but we must press on,stand tall and keep our praise going.
It has been a very tiring couple of months for me and this has left me almost
Dispirited and a tad unproductive.
I am learning how best to approach this season of my life so I can be all that God would have me be.
It is very easy to sometimes over work ourselves and refuse to see the signs of a breakdown until we actually break down.
I am learning that wisdom is truly profitable and God expects me to recognise when I am overwhelmed and he wants me to ask and accept his help.....
You see,I Have 2 amazing kids under 3,I work full time and my dear fine husband works away from home and is home during the weekends.
I realised that I had adapted myself into some sort of a super woman
Until a few months ago I snapped at my son for something really flimsy.I was tired,exhausted and I just wanted to scream,then I cried and wailed.(for no reason at all)
It wasn't until that drama had ensued that It dawned on me that I had burnt out..
I was tired,both physically and mentally and that If I didn't press the reset button,
I was going to do a bad job of being mummy and an even worse job of being a wife,sister,friend and minister.
I stood in front of my mirror and looked at the person who was looking right back at me
And I couldn't quite recognise her.
My eyes were red,I looked older and I looked so haggard.
There and there I made a decision to prioritise me,just a little more.
I made a decision to Rest....both physically and spiritually
Today..I receive grace and strength
The world expects me to be a super woman,performing my role as wife,mother,professional and mogul with grace and poise.
But lord often times I reach the end of me and all I have to offer is my broken and tired self.
Today,I come to you for refilling and replenishing
Fill me up till I overflow..
Renew my mind and strengthen me
Surround me with helpers lord,that would make resting easy
And help me to put my phone down and shut my eyes
So that in quietness and Rest my strength and purpose in you would be renewed and fulfilled
In Jesus Name.
Isa 30.15
Matt 11:28-30
Time sure has a way of going by.
Hours run into days,days into weeks and before you know it..boom....Babies are Running.lol.
Trust me my mind has been writing chapters and making mental notes
But my brain and body have been somewhat too weak to connect the dots and cross the T's.
But Alas...I am here,and I am truly grateful for the gift of life.
I must confess this year has been a really tough year for me,
It has been really challenging,amidst the smiles they have been tears and
Heart aches but we must press on,stand tall and keep our praise going.
It has been a very tiring couple of months for me and this has left me almost
Dispirited and a tad unproductive.
I am learning how best to approach this season of my life so I can be all that God would have me be.
It is very easy to sometimes over work ourselves and refuse to see the signs of a breakdown until we actually break down.
I am learning that wisdom is truly profitable and God expects me to recognise when I am overwhelmed and he wants me to ask and accept his help.....
You see,I Have 2 amazing kids under 3,I work full time and my dear fine husband works away from home and is home during the weekends.
I realised that I had adapted myself into some sort of a super woman
Until a few months ago I snapped at my son for something really flimsy.I was tired,exhausted and I just wanted to scream,then I cried and wailed.(for no reason at all)
It wasn't until that drama had ensued that It dawned on me that I had burnt out..
I was tired,both physically and mentally and that If I didn't press the reset button,
I was going to do a bad job of being mummy and an even worse job of being a wife,sister,friend and minister.
I stood in front of my mirror and looked at the person who was looking right back at me
And I couldn't quite recognise her.
My eyes were red,I looked older and I looked so haggard.
There and there I made a decision to prioritise me,just a little more.
I made a decision to Rest....both physically and spiritually
To stop doing and just breathe.
I realised that I had being running And now my fuel/energy was depleted
I realised that I had being running And now my fuel/energy was depleted
My tires were punctured,flat and I need some Air,lots of Air.
I was tired,too tired to even wait on God for replenishing.
Ah....Every season comes with its demands
And regardless of whatever season we find ourselves in we must not let it weigh us down
We must rely on the strength that comes only from abiding in God's presence
Only He is able to keep our Minds in perfect peace.
So.....I have decided that I am going to take practical steps to ensure that I replenish my physical self as well as my spirit.
I am going to.......
>Prioritize my Ouiet time no matter what.
>Schedule time weekly to spend with myself doing something I enjoy Alone,even if it
is just for 20mins.
>Ask for help from those willing to help so I can Rest,sleep,take a walk.etc
>Find a prayer buddy and commit to weekly fellowship even if it is just for 10mins
>Say no to commitments which I can pass on and not feel guilty,
>It is a season so I must learn how to enjoy it,because It shall come to pass
Prioritising Me is very important not just for my own sanity
But so I can be the best version of me all the time.
This post might not be for you but it might be for that woman in your life who is
Overwhelmed with looking after her precious kids day in day out,
Or that hard working lady who is burning her all to run a successful business
Or that professional woman who is trying to balance work,life and family.
Or perhaps that hardworking Man doing everything to meet the needs of his family.
Regardless of the season of life you are in dear child of God..Rest is good for you..
Ah....Every season comes with its demands
And regardless of whatever season we find ourselves in we must not let it weigh us down
We must rely on the strength that comes only from abiding in God's presence
Only He is able to keep our Minds in perfect peace.
So.....I have decided that I am going to take practical steps to ensure that I replenish my physical self as well as my spirit.
I am going to.......
>Prioritize my Ouiet time no matter what.
>Schedule time weekly to spend with myself doing something I enjoy Alone,even if it
is just for 20mins.
>Ask for help from those willing to help so I can Rest,sleep,take a walk.etc
>Find a prayer buddy and commit to weekly fellowship even if it is just for 10mins
>Say no to commitments which I can pass on and not feel guilty,
>It is a season so I must learn how to enjoy it,because It shall come to pass
Prioritising Me is very important not just for my own sanity
But so I can be the best version of me all the time.
This post might not be for you but it might be for that woman in your life who is
Overwhelmed with looking after her precious kids day in day out,
Or that hard working lady who is burning her all to run a successful business
Or that professional woman who is trying to balance work,life and family.
Or perhaps that hardworking Man doing everything to meet the needs of his family.
Regardless of the season of life you are in dear child of God..Rest is good for you..
Rest is necessary and God desires to take the weight off you.
His grace is sufficient and his arms are wide open.
His grace is sufficient and his arms are wide open.
Today..I receive grace and strength
The world expects me to be a super woman,performing my role as wife,mother,professional and mogul with grace and poise.
But lord often times I reach the end of me and all I have to offer is my broken and tired self.
Today,I come to you for refilling and replenishing
Fill me up till I overflow..
Renew my mind and strengthen me
Surround me with helpers lord,that would make resting easy
And help me to put my phone down and shut my eyes
So that in quietness and Rest my strength and purpose in you would be renewed and fulfilled
In Jesus Name.
Isa 30.15
Matt 11:28-30
Thank you so much dear Mummy, your comment means a lot to me and I appreciate you.Lots of love.