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What Did He Promise you?

I cannot believe how long it has been
Since my last post
This woman of faith is still here,
And my journey of faith continues
At lot is happening and as God leads I would share them with you.

Last Sunday was Mother's Day
This year it was a special one for me...
I really cannot thank God enough for his goodness
To me and my family.
As I look back at where God has brought me from and all that He has done for me
My heart continues to be full of gratitude.

He is truly a promise keeer

Some one asked me a couple of years back,how I manage to stay so joyful
And positive after the things I have been through.(who hasn't been through things😊)
I cannot remember the answer I gave her but I know it is simply because I believe
So much in the truth that God cannot lie..If he says it He would do it,
If He makes a promise He would keep it.
It is hard sometimes not to worry about the how...
How is God going to do it..
When is God going to it..
Yes I believe but letting go and just trusting that He would do what He promised can be humanly hard
And so I rely on his grace and constantly ask God to help me in my moments of doubt,worry,anxiety etc.

I cannot forget that heart wrenching moment 4 years ago
In that paediatric  consultants office,
When My husband and I were told that not trying for more children was
Our easiest and safest option.
See we had just lost a child and such news was not what we were expecting to hear
I remember thinking to myself,My husband had said years before we got married that God had showed him a picture of our kids a boy and a girl,so why is this man saying
That we shouldn't bother having more kids.
I could not imagine us not having children especially as we had experienced
The joy of having one before.

I knew someone was lying and it definitely wasn't My God.
Ah...He promised me Children
He said Affliction would not arise a second time
And I have held on to those words every single day.

So as I danced my heart out last Sunday in church
My heart was bursting with gratitude
He indeed is faithful,A promise keeper
I am so thankful for a God who's dependable and trustworthy
He never fails..
Today My queaver is full..
My house is full of noise,laughter and tiny feet
And a constant reminder of God's promise fulfilled.
 My son and Daughter are healthy and happy
And affliction would continue to be far from them.

Every where I look
I see and hear testimonies of a God who is so good at keeping His promise
God is not partial,If he did it for me,He would do it for you.
What has He promised you?
What are you believing in him for?
Don't loose hope,keep the faith.
He would surely keep His promise.

Be Encouraged.

Please share and Encourage some one else
What Has God promised you?


Unknown said…
Thanks Sis....u don't know how encouraged I feel right now. God bless u
Unknown said…
Wonderful. To God be the glory!
Unknown said…
Praise God always
Unknown said…
a word just for me
Stella Agwor said…
Amen dear sis....He has promised and He would never you
Stella Agwor said…
Hallelujah Dear Bro
Stella Agwor said…
Amen Swty...Great things He has done
Stella Agwor said…
My Sis...God bless you too.Stay strong
Olubunmi ikeade Layinka said…
I am a living witness of your story and I thank God that I can celebrate this glory with you. Beloveth.. .God has the final say. Scriptures says let every man be a liar and God be true. Thank you for this wonderful piece sweetheart. Your joy will know no bounds over those signs and wonder that the Lord has given to u. Amen.Stay blessed.
Stella Agwor said…
Dear sis..Thank you so much for being a constant support.I still remember vividly your quiet confidence and reassurance that God would not fail me.
God continue to bless and keep you.lots of love.

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