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I Failed!woefully.

It is often said that a dream remains a dream if you do nothing about it.
I totally agree.
I remember day dreaming as a little girl of wining beauty pageants
And I would practice  my acceptance speech with glee in front of my amused mother,bless her soul,
But alas that dream remained just a dream,I never grew past 5ft 4inches,
Hey don't you laugh.

As a little girl,I had a lot of dreams...I wanted so much out of life,bottom line
I wanted to be successful and make an impact on people's lives
Then I grew up a little more and I began to adjust my dreams and lower my expectations
Let's just say,Life was happening to me.
The realities of life set in,
I was content to just go with the flow.
Until I had an encounter with The Lord Jesus and my eyes of faith where opened to limitless possibilities.
I knew that I could in fact do and be all things through Christ
But I had to dare to dream.

Having a relationship with Jesus didn't mean life was going to be rosy,
But I was assured of God being my ever present help in my time of need.
I remember the first time I encountered major failure,Yes,
It was my first year in the University,I performed so poorly that I had to repeat a whole year
I failed so many courses that I began to wonder if I had been cursed.I just couldn't understand how an intelligent girl all of a sudden couldn't pass a course.
I felt like it was the end of me,imagine the shame,the self doubt and loss of confidence,
I didn't know how I was going to rise from it.
"You Fail,Yes I Failed "woefully

This was life trying to put a label on me,
Trying to Test if I could deal with and overcome Failure
This was life trying to sift me,
To knock my confidence in God and most importantly in myself.
And I am so glad God allowed it to happen when it did,
To prepare me early on for whatever else life would decide to throw at me.

In the middle of what felt like my wilderness experience
One thing I am most grateful for was that I had dreamers around me,
I had great friends that were excelling and never stopped talking about their dreams
I celebrated and encouraged their dreams and that kept the embers of my dreams alive.
I remember when I first met my husband,He had this little book he carried around of all the things He wanted to achieve at a certain age,He seemed to really know what He wanted out of life.
I was inspired to say the least.

I look back and I am amazed at where I am now,
I am miles away from where God wants me to be,
But I am on the right track.
I thank God that we can put our failures behind and get new dreams every day,for His Mercies are new very morning.Lam 3:22-23
Every God given dream is attainable,possible and doable
We just have to wade through the storms and challenges that life presents
While keeping our eyes on the price.

The most common excuse for most people is failure,
You tried it,it didn't work and so you hang your boots,
Good on you,at least you tried you'll say.
Who ever said it would take just one attempt to achieve success,
Try again,and again but try differently
Failure to me simply means,you didn't get it this time,go tweak something and attempt again.
There is always a reason for failure,it's definitely not to make you bitter but better.
But we have to ask ourselves,what can I learn from this failed attempt,
What can I redo or do better.

I remember when a lecturer tried to label me a failure,He told me unapologetically
That I would not go far in life;I cried that day.
But that was his opinion and though it was painful to hear,I knew failure was only an event and not my name and I was determined not to let that break me.
I kept the pictures of success in my mind,re-strategised and tried again.
Slowly but surely I could walk tall again,no longer slumped by defeat.
My confidence in me was regained and I was ready to soar like an eagle.

Today,I am not afraid to dream and I am not afraid of failure either
Life is too short to stay asleep
Dream,Wake up and live your dream.
It is Time to dream new dreams,age is no excuse,neither is failure.
Is it time to go back to school,,to start that business,that Ministry?

What ever it is God has placed in your heart,Enough with the dreaming,
Get up and do something about it.No excuses.!

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.”
– Samuel Beckett


Awo King-Hans said…
This is my best piece! Totally love it!
Stella Agwor said…
Awwww..Thanks Dr Mamie..glory to God.keep soaring luv.
Unknown said…
That's my girl. Fantastic piece love.
Stella Agwor said…
Thanks,we bless God
Unknown said…
Just what I needed! You're a talented blessing. Girl when is that book if yours getting published already?!
Stella Agwor said…
Awwww...Thank you dearest..we bless God..
Book would definitely be out this space..lots of love,looking forward to catching up soon.
Onose Callima-Inino said…
Try again! Believe again! Stand again! It will come to pass. Well done, Stella.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen..Thank you onosemama..You were one of the great dreamers I had as friends,for every time I felt defeated,your words of encouragement and your example of success spured me on.It can only get you ma
Seun Rominiyi said…
Inspiring post. What is the worst thing that could happen eh?. God bless you for this post :-).
Stella Agwor said…
Amen..Thank you for reading and commenting Seun..What is the worst thing that could happen indeed,I would rather try and fail than not to have tried at all.May God help us fulfill our dreams.
ikana said…
totally inspiring. I've decided not to give up on my dreams.
Stella Agwor said…
Thanks Dear..May God give us the grace to achieve our dreams.Love to everyone.
Unknown said…
Like my pastor will say, when life throws you lemon, turn into a lemonade, when it shows you pepper, make pepper soup with it. Nice one sis, a wake-up call.
Stella Agwor said…
Absolutely....thank you for reading and commenting.God bless
Unknown said…
Golden advice! Highly inspirational 😊
Stella Agwor said…
Thank you for the comment Sadif.many blessings.
Shola said…
Very inspiring!
Stella Agwor said…
Thank you dear for reading and commenting.many blessings.
Unknown said…
Lovely piece Stells, thanks for sharing your inspirational experience. I totally agree failure isn't fatal its the courage to continue that counts
Stella Agwor said…
Thanks my dear...many blessings.
Anonymous said…
Well written daughter of mine! Continue to inspire the world.......yes failure can not be an option. You are indeed a testimony and a blessing to this generation.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen and Amen...God bless you

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