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3years on..

3 years ago My husband and I made a decision to move back to London
We decided to live the beautiful,sunny town we had called home.
A place I would never forget.A place where my Daughter was buried.
A place filled with so many memories,both bitter and sweet
I remember it like it was yesterday..

As we packed all our earthly belongings into the van
And made our way out of that town..
I remember the feeling of emptiness,of deep loss
And of uncertainty as to what the future before us held.
We were only certain of one thing..Gods promise never to leave or forsake us..

For a moment,I likened myself to Naomi in the bible (Ruth 1:21)
Indeed I went away full,but it seemed like the Lord brought me back empty
I remember  Writing  about this a few years back and how I was
Determined not to let my experiences make me bitter but better.(click the link to read about it)
I made a note to myself to count my blessings despite my loss.
I prayed that my outlook on life stayed positive and my attitude graceful.

I didn't want my life's focus to be all about my pain..
I took advantage of the joy and peace that only God could give
And I rose up each day expectant that indeed God would give me a million reasons to forget my pain.
I sang,smiled,encouraged myself daily and chose to wait upon the Lord.

3 years on...
I can boldly say, that God indeed is the God of restoration
God is a God that remembers and rewards the faithful.
I look back and my heart swells with gratitude.
He has taken the pain away..yes He is the God that mends our
Broken hearts,He is the one who lifts our burdens..

I still don't understand why I had to go through that season of sorrow,
deep loss and pain...I would never understand
But because I trust God,I really don't need to understand why..
I trust that He is who He says He is, a rewarder of them that deligently
Seek him,and entrust him with their lives..

Indeed He has given me much more than I lost,
More than I deserve..more than I sacrificed.
And for this I am eternally grateful.

Regardless of what the future holds
Regardless of what it is life throws my way..
I am resolved to remember where God has brought me from..
The trials He has seen me through..
The battles seen and unseen He has fought for me
And the testimonies He loads me with daily..

Can you join me in focusing on that today..where has He brought you from?
Do you have a reason to say thank you?
What Has He done for You?.

Feel free to share and leave a comment below.


Unknown said…
Ds ryt here just brought tears to my eyes. I dunno how u stay ds graceful regardless of all the pains. Thank you for continually being a source of encouragement. Thank you for letting God have the final say. I love you sis...
Stella Agwor said…
I love you too dear sis..God gives grace..that's all I can say...without Him,I wouldn't have come this far.We thank God for turning our pain into purpose and blessing us indeed.
Awo King-Hans said…
God bless you and continue to keep you Stella. Keep writing and being a blessing.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen my darling..God bless you too.
Miss Bajaican said…
Stella - you and your husband will always be a part of our lives which I knew from the day we first met. Your loss at that time was our gain and you gladly mentored me through my own pregnancy. I will tell my son the story of Auntie Stella and Uncle Demi when he is old enough to understand. Hope to see my daughter soon!
Stella Agwor said… sweet of you Alison..we thank God for that season of our life and for your little blessing Master Lyon..would be looking forward to seeing you soon.Lots of love dear sis.

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