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6 people you do not need in 2016.

Happy new month everyone..I have received a lot of feedback regarding
The last post on creating a  Pep wall To keep yourself Inspired on a daily
Basis.I must say it is such a God inspired idea.
In 2016 we cannot afford to be discouraged
Or feel hopeless.God is faithful and able to Perfect all that concerns Us.
This past week,something profound happened that Got me thinking
And reviewing the relationships in my life.
Do you know that you can start 2016 on a very high note,with all your dreams and goals defined
And even have clear cut objectives but if you are constantly surrounded by the wrong people
Your dreams would be as good as dead.
The people who you call your friends have direct access to you and are able to negatively or positively impact your life and influence your choices through their words and actions.

So,Here is a List of 6 groups of people you definitely do not need as your close friends and associates in 2016.

1. DRAINERS: They are very needy and always seem to have a never ending cycle of problems..You are the person they call any and every time they have a problem or challenge. You invest your time and energy into their lives,advising,encouraging,motivating,praying for them but it seems as though they are constantly remaining in only one season of their lives.They have no respect for your time and are always demanding and complaining.Its like pouring water into a basket with holes,They have nothing to give back,always taking from you but never reciprocating. Just like all parasitic relationships,you eventually end up being drained and Exhausted.Remember Iron Sharpeneth Iron.It is time to sift such draining friendships away.

2. EXTINGUISHERS: I have in the past had a few of this group of people around me.They are negative,pessimistic and toxic. Share a dream or vision with them and they are handy with reasons why it is impossible.They seem to always have ready examples of people who attempted what you are considering and failed at it.Just like an extinguisher puts a flame out,they snuff the life out of your dreams,and hopes.They are very practical in their approach and sometimes appear subtle,they are always prepared to offer unsolicited advice,before long you would be buying into the lie that just maybe,that dream isn't possible after all. They leave you feeling deflated,doubtful and discouraged. Identify the dream killers and do away with them.

3. INDIFFERENT PEOPLE: Ever had friends that made you wonder why you still kept them as friends? This group of friends neither add to you nor take from you.They do not add any value to your life,Neither are they interested in your progress,yet they still hang around you.Why call them close friends if they don't even know your last name? In 2016 get rid of time wasters and seek to surround yourself with people of like minds and people who genuinely care about you.

4. INSTIGATORS: They are the ones who always seem to know what other people are saying about you and others.They visit or call you merely to emphasise that Mr so and so said this and Mrs so and so is the cause of your problem,Always remember if they gossip with you they would gossip about you.Avoid such friends,they would only pollute your mind,infuriate you and cause you to fight battles you have no business fighting.Give no room to Idle gossip.Guard your heart diligently and make sure the people closest to you are not the ones contaminating It.

5. SETTLERS: Why fly with pigeons when you are an eagle? This group of people are satisfied with merely existing,just minding their business and dealing with whatever life throws at them.They do not inspire and challenge you to do more and be more.They also have a problem with you wanting more out of life and they call you over ambitious or a dreamer.They are content with just being ordinary.If you hang around this set of people for too long,you would end up becoming complacent and lacklustre.There is a lot that God has put in us to end up living life this way.Regardless of our background and privileges,let us surround ourselves with people who can inspire us to greatness and not to a life of mediocrity.

6. TAUNTERS: These are friends who constantly ridicule,look down on you and criticise you.They have nothing good to say about you,to your face and behind your back.You wonder why we still hang around them,but truth is someone of us still do,They make you feel inadequate,unworthy and before long,your self image and self esteem would be tainted.Do not allow anyone to constantly speak negatively into your life.Any phone call that leaves you feeling dejected every time you answer it or every time you are done meeting with a friend and you wonder why on earth you saw him/her is a clear sign that you are giving the wrong people access into your life.Beware of the ones that taunt you subtly,releasing poisonous words a little at a time,just enough to rattle you but subtle enough for you to still think that they are your friends and have your best interest at heart.Surround yourself with people who speak positively into your life.If we must succeed in 2016, then we cannot afford to have Taunters as our Allies.

We do not choose the parents we have or the families we are born into but we can choose our Friends.
Let us choose wisely and if we have made wrong choices already let us be honest with ourselves for it is not too late to cut off such ties.May God grant us the courage and strength to do so in Jesus Name.Amen.

Challenge of the week.
1.Identify and write down these 6 groups of people in your life.
2.Pray that God would surround you with righteous people and open your eyes to see who your true friends are.

God bless you.

Share this post,someone else would need it.


Unknown said…
Wow! We truly need to identify the people we surround ourselves with .. God guide us please, Amen
Anonymous said…
This post got me thinking about my own life. What kind of friend am i? .... may God make us friends worth having /keeping. Friends who will say edifying things. And not d kind of friends mentioned above . In Jesus name. Amen. Thanks stella . God bless u. Runyi.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen Dear sis...God help Us.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen..Very true Runyi dear...I have also had to check myself..May we all be friends that add value to others in Jesus Name,Amen.Thanks for commenting luv.
Noelie said…
Stella did is so true! You become like who you hang around with, so let's choose,selection wisely and pray for God to send the right people to usxxx
Stella Agwor said…
Yes indeed dear Noelie..May God help us all.Thanks for reading and commenting.

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