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How not to Forget.

It has been so hard to find the courage to write lately
I call myself a woman of faith but l can't really say I have lived up to that this past few months.
It is hard to say it is well to someone when it feels like all isn't well with you.
It is really hard to encourage someone else when you don't feel encouraged at all,
When all you see is how tough it is,it is so easy to over look the victories in spite of the difficulties.

I have had this constant war in my mind questioning and doubting God,
I have asked a million questions,
Lord how is this season going to end ? how are you going to make a way?
I have stayed up late worrying about how help is going to come and when..
When are things going to change? when are things going to turn around?

Why do I find it so hard to trust in this God who I claim is my God?
Why is it so easy to get overwelhemed and discouraged?
 I have realised what the true problem is..
I have simply forgotten
Forgotten where God has brought me from...
I have simply Forgotten the miracles of yesterday..
Forgotten how He has been there for me through every season of my life.

I have been focusing on what I don't have,what I am hoping for and my unanswered prayers.
And for a moment I have forgotten all he has done for me
Why is it so easy to little challenge and poof yesterday's victory is forgotten,
One closed door or Rejection letter and we forget the gates that opened not too long ago.
I guess it's the enemy's strategy,we forget who God is and How great He is that way,we worry,
Loose faith,stay discouraged and defeated.

Just like it is in the Autumn season when leaves fall and trees wither,
Everything looks bleak,lifeless and almost hopeless..
It is so easy to forget in times like these that seasons do change
That spring and summer would come.
That tough times don't last forever.

So you see my dear,today I have decided to remember and focus on my past victories,
I am going to recount and bless God for what He did yesterday,and the day before and the week before.
*Like the time when I just had a baby and my husband had just finished University and we had no money,He looked for all sorts of menial jobs but was too qualified for them,finally landed a job cleaning a hospital in London and had to drive 4 hours to and fro to cleaning a hospital for desperate we were..He only had to do that once as the next week by recommendation he landed a well paid job for an engineering company,praise God,

*How about the other time,I had just got a job,worked for 3weeks and had to go off indefinitely because I had a sick child and while I was away my contract was changed from a fixed term contract to a permanent contract,

*How about the other time I applied for a visa and it was denied twice because Certain documents kept getting muddled up,it took 4months of waiting,praying and praising but eventually the visa was issued...

*How about the times we had no money and God miraculously provided..

*How about the time when the doctor told us the next child we were going to have was going to be as sick as our first so we should consider other options but we stood on God's word that affliction would not arise a second time and God blessed us with a healthy and beautiful Child.Glory to his name.Amen.

I could go on and on...

My faith is rising again and I am so encouraged
If only we would count our blessings,
If only we would forget not all his benefits
If he did it before He would do it again...
We just have to keep our eyes on his word and while we wait for the things we are praying for
Rehearse the victories of the past..and
Count our blessings joyfully with thanksgiving.

I would very much like for you to rehearse and recount your past victories too.
It is the only way we would not forget how big and good our God is.
Write them in the comments box below and let others be encouraged
The same way I know you have been encouraged by me.
God bless you as you do and stay inspired.


Anonymous said…
Yes Stella l am grateful to God for your faith. And am grateful to God am still standing in the faith through the storms, rain ,summer, winter ,autumn and even the spring. He is truly an awesome God.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen dear,He is truly a faithful God.May He continue to uphold us as we continue in this walk of faith.Stay blessed dear.
Unknown said…
God is good all the time. My dear sister keep up the faith.
Stella Agwor said…
Dear Sis Bola..Thanks for reading and commenting.God bless you.
Unknown said…
Thank you ever so much. This has really blessed me. God bless you richly. Xx
Anonymous said…
I am a witness to this. I have failed to acknowledge and count my blessings and instead dwelled on my failures and blame God sometimes for allowing them. We tend to forget to thank God for these things. Kids are a big blessing, our lives, families and even the gift of waking up and seeing a beautiful day amongst other things. May God forgive me.
Excellent write up, dear. Thanks for reminding us of this x. May God continue to bless us all and draw us closer to Him. Amen.
Stella Agwor said…
God bless you dear Rukyat...Thanks so much for commenting.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen dear..May God continue to help us to stay joyful and thankful.we honestly have so much to be grateful for.Thanks so much for reading and commenting.Many Blessings.xx
Unknown said…
Stella dear this is another AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL piece. Thanks so much for sharing and pls never stop sharing your gift & talent of inspiring writing.
You're a wonderful instrument of His peace - a woman of faith, wisdom, courage & inspiration. God blessed & bless you abundantly in Jesus name.
Tara xoxo
Unknown said…
Thank you so much Powerful woman of faith ! This is very Encouraging
Unknown said…
Kip d Faith Gal am proud of u & so wld Ur mum be anywhere she is.
Unknown said…
A nice page you have got here very inspiring.

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