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10 things you must to do while you wait.

I stared at the phone expectantly yet anxiously,waiting for some kind of thunderous
Notification but alas nothing.
I tried praying again and then back to my phone I went..
Nothing, no email, no phone call

I continued this Ritual for days and days turned into weeks and weeks into months.
When would my Answer come..
Lord when would this season pass I sighed.
I am tired of praying over the same issue
When would this wait be over?

I hate having to wait for anything..
I would not consider myself to be an inpatient
Person but for some unexplainable reason waiting is not
Just something I enjoy doing..
I met up with an old friend and she shared with me on how she too had been waiting
Waiting for the pregnancy test to turn positive..
She had waited and waited and the weeks had turned into months and months into years.
I could certainly understand that unnerving feeling of waiting..of asking yourself countless times when would my Answer Come?
Lord when would this season pass?

I was chatting with a friend the other day and all he kept saying was that He was tired of waiting..
The search for a job after 4years of graduation was beginning to get very depressing.
He had prayed, applied for jobs yet to no avail
All I could say was dear brother I understand how you feel

Because I am also waiting.
Waiting for my Answer to come..
And then it hit me..I had a light bulb experience..
I could hear it so clearly in my spirit

Enjoy while you wait..

Enjoy?...did I hear Enjoy?

Yes I heard it clearly; ENJOY
Life is in stages and seasons and every season shall come to pass.
To be Honest the things I struggled with yesterday are not the things I struggle with today.
I look back upon my life and the yesterdays that can never be relived again
Rather than sit and feel sorry for myself I ought to make the most of every season..
Enjoy it while I wait..
Jesus never said we won't go through difficult times in our lives but HE said something profound, BE OF GOOD CHEER for I have overcome the world JN16;33

How can I enjoy a difficult season..How can I be of good cheer while I wait?

1.Be thankful for the season:*A heart of gratitude changes your perspective of things...

2.Remember where you have come from and count your blessings.*see how far God has brought you, Remember you past victories. Dwell on Testimonies.

3.Stop Complaining. Stop Murmuring.*Be thankful you could have been dead sleeping in a grave but you are alive..where there is life there is Hope.

4.Avoid negative people. Be careful who you share your challenges with, Surround yourself with positive people.

5.Stop throwing pity parties..join a praise band instead...*Enough of the why me's..God has been good to you whether you acknowledge it or not. He has been good.
You have to believe that God has not forgotten or forsaken you.

6.Find a bible verse that addresses your situation and hold on to it..when you feel discouraged confess it till you believe it.

7.Enjoy the season by making every second count..make fun memories while you wait..
*Are you waiting for a baby..while you with your spouse, Do as much as you can,take advantage of the ample time..
*Are you waiting for Mr Right..while you wait enjoy being single..develop and invest in yourself.
*Whatever it is you are awaiting while in the process make the most of the season.

8.Choose to see the good in your situation. If you are a child of God then He is most definitely in control and is working it out for you.

9.Be patient the process might be taking a while but through patience and the right attitude you would Obtain the promise.

10.The right attitude to have while waiting is an attitude of praise and gratitude..Praise even when you don't feel like it.(at least you have YouTube to help get you in the mood for praise)Rather than lament Praise.

So I have chosen not to feel sorry for myself any more..I would Enjoy this season to the best of my ability, I would add to my Faith patience and I would praise while I wait.
It would surely come to pass.

I encourage you to do same too.
Your Answer is on the way.

Stay Joyful


Ose Ndebbio said…
I know how frustrating long waits can be. Thanks so much for sharing. Remain a blessing.
Ose Ndebbio said…
Watch "While I'm Waiting - John Waller (With Lyrics)" on YouTube - While I'm Waiting - John Waller (With Lyrics): This song blesses me during waiting periods.
Stella Agwor said…
Dear Sis..Thanks so much..this is just what I needed to hear..a really uplifting song.God would indeed come through for Us.Amen
A T said…
This has blessed me and will certainly will share with others. Thanks Stella x
Etido Ekwere said…
I remember what my late sister told me long time ago. She said looking at my daily worried looks - With her eyes fixed on mine she said :Etido you enter destiny or ur aspirations but am only afraid u may not do so whole. Our lack of enjoying the wait breeds high blood, hyternsion, kidney failures n d likes. Lets drop the weights. Thank u stella
Stella Agwor said…
Amen..Feel free to share dear A T.God bless you.
Stella Agwor said…
So true my Dear Eti..we must Learn to enjoy the process or we end up lifeless with no joy and a whole lot of issues.A joyful heart is indeed good medicine.luv you lots
Anonymous said…
I will wait patiently. ..
Anonymous said…
Very uplifting!!!
Stella Agwor said…
Thanks.many blessings.

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