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Dwelling on the Testimonies.

Hello Dear TWOF reader,It has been a while and I do
Thank everyone who reads my blog.
I have received a lot of calls and messages asking when my next post was going to be.
I do apologize for the silence
And really I have no excuse at all.
my days are full and spent doting on my precious little blessing..
and for this and many more blessings I am truly thankful.
I was staring at my screen wondering how to put my thoughts to words
and this scripture came to mind 2Cor 4:8-9 AMP
We are hedged in (pressed) on every side [troubled and oppressed in every way], but not cramped or crushed; we suffer embarrassments and are perplexed and unable to find a way out, but not driven to despair;
We are pursued (persecuted and hard driven), but not deserted [to stand alone]; we are struck down to the ground, but never struck out and destroyed;
I love how The Message Bible puts it: You know for yourselves that we’re not much to look at. We’ve been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we’re not demoralized; we’re not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we’ve been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn’t left our side; we’ve been thrown down, but we haven’t broken.
This verse aptly conveys the season of my life right now..
For some time now I have been faced with a challenge that somewhat seems hopeless
I underlined the word seems because often  times the devil magnifies our challenges and we forget
that the fact that we don't see a way doesn't mean that there isn't one...
The fact that you don't know what to do or who else to call for help does not in any way
change the truth that God knows what to do and Is working behind the scene.
and even with the knowledge that this season would pass just like every other season before it
I  still can not help but feel as if I am perplexed.
Just a few days ago..
I had just finished praying and confessing victory regarding my situation
and then few hours later my mind was in turmoil
I paced up and down my living room to the amusement of my little son
Who can I call I thought to myself, What can I do, who else can I speak to?
for some reason I felt I had to do something,anything... Help God I Guess since he was  too slow !
after toiling the whole day and catching no fish..(as in getting no result)
It hit me...Trusting that God is able means letting go and Letting God.
If I really believed that he heard me when I prayed then why am so restless
and anxious..
Does a farmer after planting his seed sit by it all night and day worrying and checking to see
if  his crop would sprout and grow..
No way..He knows by Experience that as long as the soil is good and the seed is in the soil
and as long as he has done all that he is supposed to do it would surely grow.
He goes home and WAITS FOR THE HARVEST.
I Guess my faith and trust in God is not that much after all.

later that evening, my phone buzzed and it was a message from my
dear Sis...what seemed like months of financial difficulty had suddenly come to an end
in the space of 2 months husband and wife who had been out of job for a long time with 2
little kids and bills unpaid had secured fantastic jobs.
As I read her testimony, tears of gratitude welled up in my eyes
and my trust and faith in God was strengthened
I realised that instead of feeding my faith,
I had been given wings to my doubts and worries
I chose at the point to dwell on the goodness of God,
magnifying His faithfulness not my Situation.
In the midst of it all, I could see my testimony brewing.
and the doubts and worries started to fade away.

 It Isn't easy to trust God completely especially
when it seems like there are major road blocks in front of you.
Is it easy to go home and sleep just like the farmer above
sometimes it isn't..but remembering how far God has brought us and all he has done
would keep us from despairing..

Whatever season of your life you are in...
Don't sit there feeling down and out,...remember you are thrown down but never broken
Remember what God has done for you in the past,
Remember the Testimony of that brother or sister
yes.....The one who God gave 2 jobs after many months without a penny to his name
yes...... The Sister who had a beautiful baby girl after many years of waiting.
or the Mother who God healed from breast Cancer
or that friend that got married in her late 30's to an amazing Man after many failed relationships

The Testimonies are many...they are real and they are proof positive that God hasn't left our side
He is making a way..Rivers in the desert, Opening doors, causing men to remember and favour us
Giving us victory and defending us...
God is indeed turning our season of test into a jaw dropping testimony.

I am so expectant,I know and I am persuaded that God would indeed
perfect all that concerns you and I....

So I praise Him in advance.




Lauretta said…
Amen. Indeed God is faithful we have a lot to thank Him. God bless you. This is a word in season for me.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen..God bless you dear
somto said…
Bless you Stella. Thanks for sharing.
Stella Agwor said…
Dear Somto..Thanks my dear..God bless to my babies.
Siphe2000 said…
This is so comforting,may God continue to use you, stay blessed.
tokoni said…
I am realy encouraged this came @ d right time. Passing tru some challenges. Just this morning I remeberd one of your post where u had to go on youtube to play gospel praise music. When u received some unpleasnt news from d doctor. And it spured me. Up. God bless u dear.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen dear..Thanks for commenting.God bless you.
Stella Agwor said…
Dear Tokoni..It is well with you..Praise your way through this season..God would surely come through for you..I would looking forward to reading and sharing your testimony too.God bless you dear.Stay Strong.
Hoky.. said…
Thanks sis is all i can say...U know how much God has used u to inspire me ..God will not leave u n Bids n Zaine no matter wat (like He promised) n keep making u better inspiration to many many u!
Stella Agwor said…
Darling Hoky,thanks so much.God bless you too.Your testimony inspired me too and I trust God is working in us and perfecting every single detail of our lives.lots of love.lets chat soon.
Irene Olumese said…
It is a joy and uplifting to dwell in the midst of testimonies. When we testify of the goodness of God in our lives, it lifts us up from the pit. That's why David encourage us in Ps 145 to abundantly utter the memory of God's great goodness. That means we need to commit to memory those things He has done for us in the past, so that we can speak of them and meditate on them. In so doing they cast our doubts and fears away.
Great post. Thanks for sharing and being such an encourager. Grace to you.

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