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Before the novelty of the new year wears off
Let me take time to welcome you to 2015 and
wish you a great year..

I so love a new year,it is a constant reminder of the
Kind of God we serve.. who gives us another opportunity
To start again,dream again,run again..regardless of what
May or may not have happened in the past year..

Permit me to take a slow ride down memory lane
as I look back at the highlight of my year 2014...
I must look back so that I can appreciate
 from whence God has brought me and where he is taking me to.
I must look back lest I take for granted all he has done for me.
I must look back so when the enemy comes to lie to me that
God hasn't been good I can count my blessings and make
My boast in the Lord.

2years ago after the loss of my daughter I found out
that there was a 50/50 chance that the next child I conceived  was also going to die.
I remember the consultant looking at I and my husband with a very sad face as he told us the news.
I did my best to maintain the smile on my face,
thanked him for his concern and told him that we were going to be fine..

As the realisation of the gravity of the news  hit home
I had an option to fear, accept defeat and resign myself to fate.
Or trust God, believe him like I have never believed before.
I chose the later and found me a scripture to base my faith on.
I held onto his word that affliction would not arise a second time.(Nahum 1:9)
I confessed this word day and night and every time
The enemy came with thoughts of what ifs I would decree
And declare God's word..

I remember when I went for my first antenatal appointment
As soon as the midwives learnt of my medical history, their
Countenance changed..every was afraid for me..what if.... they dared to ask
By this time my husband and I were so convinced and fully
Persuaded that God would show himself strong concerning us..
Not every one had as much faith as we had so we did our best to stay
away from doomsayers.

And to the glory of God..four days to my birthday I had an early present straight from the throne room ; a beautiful healthy baby.
I look at him each day and all I can say is thank you Jesus for this gracious gift..
Thank you for being a God who indeed brings joy in the morning
Thank you for being a God who never fails.

So as I start a new year I am so confident in this God
Who knows my tomorrow and is in control of my today..
I know that as always God would give me more reasons to rejoice. Amen
I started last year battling with the fear of loosing another child.. but I took God's word for what it was and God met me at the point of my faith..

So as always I share my struggles to encourage you
Don't let anything stop you from being all that God called you to be.
Don't allow Fear keep you from trying again
What if I let my fear consume me.. I might have never tried to have
 Another baby..
I am not saying I never doubted God, I am not saying the fears did not resurface
but I every time a doubt or fear arose, I countered it with God's word
for you see my dear FAITH IS BIGGER THAN FEAR.

So I ask what are you afraid of,
is it the fear of failing in a marriage, in a business, in a relationship
or the fear of being laughed and mocked again.
Is it the fear of loosing a loved one or the fear that you would end up like your Father.
Whatever it is you are afraid of, it is time to address.
It is time to identify those areas in our lives where fear is taking the upper hand..
It is time to silence every voice of fear with God's word and promises
 It's time to bury our fears and launch out..
It's not enough to say have to back it up with actions..
In 2015 we would manifest God's glory but we have to deal with this enemy
Called fear..
Be encouraged God is for you and not against you.
Be not Afraid.


Awo King-Hans said…
Thank you Stella for sharing. Great words of encouragement!
Stella Agwor said…
Amen my dear Awo..God bless you loads.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing and encouraging
You are blessed dear.

Edidiong Okonkwo said…
This is inspiring...God's grace my dear....Thanks for the upliftment
Stella Agwor said…
Amen...Thanks my dear...God bless to the family.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen..Thank you Edidiong...God bless you..
Jennifer said…
Faith is indeed bigger than fear. Great words of encouragement.God used you to speak to me. Thanks a lot for sharing, dear. God bless you x
Stella Agwor said…
Amen,God bless you too my dear..stay strong luv.
Unknown said…
Absolutely amazing. This is a much needed encouragement, really felt like you were talking to me especially at the end when you said it's not just enough to say Amen, going to walk out my faith a lot more. Going to profess His Word and launch out. Thanks so much for sharing this. Stay blessed. Sincerely~ Grace Uzoh~
Stella Agwor said…
Amen..God bless you dear Grace..God's grace is upon you as you launch out..I am waiting to read of your testimonies... Every word God has spoken concerning you would indeed come to pass.Stay Strong.
Unknown said…
God bless you dear
Stella Agwor said…
Amen dear Sis..God bless you too
Temi K said…
Thank you Stella. You hit right home. 'Faith is bigger than your faith' - my new mantra. ����
Unknown said…
Amen.. God bless you xxx
Stella Agwor said…
Amen dear..God bless you too.
Ene said…
hmmmm Stells God bless you plenty for me i want you to know that your blog blesses me each time i read it, pls continue this good work you have started.
Stella Agwor said…
Thanks so much Ene..I bless God..I pray God continues to inspire me to write.God bless you loads.
Stella Agwor said…
Thanks Temi..Faith is indeed bigger than Fear.I wait to read testimonies from you.God bless you.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing this..i really needed a boost and you just gave me that..God bless you
Stella Agwor said…
Thank you..and God bless
Unknown said…
Thank you so much Ma. You inspire me
Stella Agwor said…
My darling Grace thanks a's been ages..God bless you loads.
Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing this great words of encouragement. God Bless You
Stella Agwor said…
Amen my dear..God bless you too.
tokoni said…
Faith is indeed bigger than fear, I can atest to this. God bless u stella I feel blessed anytime I read ur posts.
Stella Agwor said…
God bless you too dear Tony..I give God all the praise.
kneekey said…
Great post. Well done.
Stella Agwor said…
Thank you Kneekey.God bless you

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