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I am literally exploding with thanksgiving...
My Heart is over flowing with gratitude
and my soul blesses the lord..
I am going to sing like never before
Regardless of the difficulties of this present day..

a song writer wrote this beautiful prayer below:

"The sun comes up
It's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes"

So many times we start out in life singing..
We are young, full of dreams, hopes and aspiration
We grow, mature,life happens and our song looses its tune..
We Started out strong full of faith,singing,shouting,declaring
 but somewhere along the line we have lost our voice..
We enter a marriage singing and when trials and challenges come
Our voice cracks and we loose our song..
We experience delays, hardship,frustration and our song can barely be heard again.

For many started the year buzzing, singing loudly...
The challenges have come and the months have gone by
hope is now lost and faith is deem.
God is never late, what He said He would do,He would do
You do your part by not giving up on him.

It is so easy to praise when the going is all good and rosy
when there isn't a care in the world..
The true test of your faith would come when you have a zero balance and an unpaid bill
and all sorts of lows trying to stifle your song..
what would your song be...That of praise regardless or that of complaints
Is it not so profound that when the children of Israel were
confronted by a huge obstacle called the walls of Jericho
It was a song of praise
and a shout of triumph that brought the walls down.

It does not matter how shattered or battered you feel
or how out of tune or pitchy your voice is
as long as you don't stop singing
My prayer today is simple...
lord whatever may pass and what ever lies before me
let it not steal my song..may I carry on singing till the sun goes

It is Less than 40 days to the end of the year...
Please don't loose your song
The miracle in your Marriage can still happen
The promotion is not too late..
That breakthrough is so close
It is time to praise louder, It is time to wage a warfare
remember...PRAISE IS A WEAPON.
Don't loose your song.

God bless you.



Lauretta said…
Amen. I will stay strong and sing the song of praise.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen my dear yummy mummy..
Unknown said…
As we all remember to charge our phones and devices, let's also remember to praise God daily
Stella Agwor said…
So is so essential.. Thanks for commenting luv.

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