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Living life to the fullest,everyday!

I attended a funeral 2 weeks ago
of a beautiful young 33year old mum of 2 kids under 5
The turnout was pretty impressive,there was no room in the chapel
people from far and wide gathered in spite of the inclement weather to pay
their last respect to this wonderful lady.
It was a sad day indeed..

I remembered the last time I was at a funeral
I remembered all those l have loved and lost
and I could relate with the family and loved ones of this lovely lady..
Death is so unfair and can seem so final...we ask questions,why lord,why now
we mourn,we grieve,we feel the void
Hard as it might be to accept, death is an integral part of life,
we can't run away from It and
We must prepare for death consciously.

I began to wonder why the bible admonishes in Ecclesiastes 7:2
that it is better to go to the place of mourning than a feast
The message translation says we might discover something from it..

A lot of people approach the subject of death with trepidation
we all desire to live to a good old age and God also promises 
that he would satisfy us with long life and show us his salvation
God forbid that we are plucked in our prime...
God forbid that we meet an untimely death
 but is it always living a long  life that counts..
 Is it really about the quantity of our lives or the quality...
It is so painful when a young person dies...we think of all
that they had to offer and all that they could have been

Living a life of purpose,driven by passion
should be our goal and not just mere existence or the length of it..
I often wonder what people would remember me for when I
am gone and how long my legacy would last..

So I ask myself how can I live my life to the fullest each day
with no regrets.
To do this I must Live life with a sense of urgency..
Living every day as if it were our last is not sometimes easy to do
but taking things one day at a time..doing all that God has laid in our hearts to do
each day with no procrastination.
being present in the moment, giving our best and being our best
cherishing our loved ones and friends as we make the most of every day...
remembering that once today is is gone.

 We get so busy doing Life...
chasing after our careers, dreams and aspiration..
we sometimes forget that we are in transit..
as Rick warren reminds us, Life is a trust
Life is a test, Life is a transition...

Do you have any reason to fear death...
you should be very afraid if you have not settled
where your end destination would be...

“I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, 

than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.” ALBERT CAMUS

 Only a fool says in His heart that there is no God..
For as many that have received the lord as their Lord and personal Savior
when you would not be goodbye...but Goodnight
for you shall wake up in glory to behold your Lord and King
What a glorious day that would be...
And I can only imagine.....
If you have not answered the question of where you would spend eternity..
It is not too late...
Invite the lord into your heart and let him be the captain of your soul

My prayer today is that God would help us
live a fulfilled life...may we see the good in spite of the bad,
May we go to our graves empty, with no regrets, no unfulfilled dreams and
with no unexplored ideas.
May we live each day focusing on what truly matters
Loving well, and enjoying each moment as it comes..
and May we take advantage of Gods grace for victorious living

Ecclesiastes 7:2The Message (MSG) 
 You learn more at a funeral than at a feast— 
After all, that’s where we’ll end up. We might discover
    something from it.

1 Chron 29.:15(NLT)
We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace.

Psalm 14:1(NLT)
 Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!

 I Thes 4: 13-14(NASB)
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. 14For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus


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