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It has been too long since my last post...
and I am grateful for the privilege to be able to
write again...

As always,God hasn't stopped speaking..
He continues to encourage and strengthen me
especially in the times when I don't feel,inspired,encouraged or motivated..
I am truly grateful for His awesome presence and grace.

I met someone recently and after spending 2 weeks in her company
She said something..and it got me thinking...
She said "Stella you are always happy"
I responded with a chuckle but long after the conversation ended...
I found myself still musing over what she said.
What she identified is much more than happiness.... It is joy

I took a walk down memory lane to a time when I was a very bitter and unhappy girl
I remembered a time over 10 years ago when I was going through depression..
I was just sad...I had lost a mother,had deep issues with my Dad,was failing in school
and didn't know what to do with myself...

I knew the lord,but I had no joy in my spirit..
I let the slightest thing displace and define me..
I was so depressed to the point where I started getting really bad migraines
I can't even draw a parallel between the Stella then and the Stella now..
Isn't God faithful..

So what changed everything...

I got tired of being sad,unhappy and depressed...
So I cried out...I asked God to help me
and He began a work in me...
I received an infilling of the Holyspirt
and He began to teach me about the spirit of depression and how to recognise it..
He gave me the tool to fight it..PRAISE
So any time I felt myself slipping to depression..
I would praise or be surrounded by praise..

I began to experience the true meaning of the joy of the lord
I began to understand why the devil was after my joy...
So if He succeeded in stealing my joy,I would have no strength to speak back to the enemy
No power to overcome,no fight in me..

Ever since I got this revelation of how important my Joy Is...
I have made it a priority to let nothing and no one steal my joy...
I hear comments like...Stella how have you managed to stay so strong
after all you been through especially lately...and I smile because
I understand that when I go through a challenge,the devil is after my joy...
and when I loose it,I loose my peace,my strength and eventually my testimony.

I am so thankful to God for this revelation...
honestly there have been times when the magnitude of the challenge
has left me not wanting to is in times like that I need to locate a
quiet place and play a praise medley from my phone or laptop..
and before I know it...the spirit of depression is lifted and my joy is renewed.

I don't know how dire your situation may be
or how hopeless you might feel...
You might have lost a dear one
Your marriage may be on the brink of falling apart..
The finances may be trickling in and your families needs are not met..
The reports may be negative...
and so on...
No matter how bad you think things are going for you..
Remember what the enemy is after..
Your Joy....don't let him steal it...
bible says with Joy you would draw water from the wells of salvation...
It takes strength to draw out what you it provision,healing,children etc
from that well...
No joy,No Strength.

I encourage you today....let his praise not depart from your lips
that's the secret to staying joyful
and that is the secret to staying strong..
God bless you.

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Isa 12:3 NKJV
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation

Psalm 149:6 NKJV
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth,and a twoedged sword in their hands


Unknown said…
This is beautiful! The good Lord will continue to bless & strengthen you always.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen..thank you dear sis..God bless you loads
Efua said…
I have tested and tried this and it does work, the joy of the Lord is indeed our strength. I pray we all stay joyful even as we persevere in this honorable walk of faith. God bless you Hun!
Stella Agwor said…
Amen. ..may God continue to strengthen us..God bless you too dear
Razeb Enyieko said…
Am inspired by this piece, God bless you Mma
Stella Agwor said…
Amen dear. .it has been ages since I last heard from you. .trust you are doing great. .thanks for commenting luv..
Emma Okoi said…
Just been blessed by this now...Few minutes ago, i got a message that would almost deter my week but, thank God for this. Feeling relieved already... God bless you Ma.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen Emma... .it is well with all that concerns you .Stay joyful....thanks for commenting. .
lauretta said…
God bless you for the amazing testimony.
Awo King-Hans said…
God bless you dearest sis, your joy is contagious!
Stella Agwor said…
Amen darling Sis. .God bless you too
Stella Agwor said…
Amen dear. .God bless you too...we would continue to bask in His joy..luv u dear.
Unknown said…
Stella, this is powerful and inspirational.
You are blessed, thank you.
Stella Agwor said…
thanks alot dear Aunty Sylvia..God bless you loads.

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