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this battle eh!

As I struggled to sit in silence
there was a war going on in my mind....
I went through over and over again the events of the past days
and a wave of emotion overcame me
I would see no reason,honestly the thoughts that went through my mind
were not lovely at all,
I remembered the tom and Jerry cartoon where you had the devil and angel whispering
to trying to get him to do something mean to Jerry while the other trying to
discourage all sounds a bit funny now but honestly at that moment it was no joke..

I struggled not to give in to my emotions..I struggled...( there is always a way of escape)
This one was simply Silence...
I remembered what I wrote a few months back about the open market
and the same scenario was replaying over again...
one can not underestimate the power of your mind..
the thoughts you allow to take root don't only affect you but every one around you..
A little misunderstanding..... that is what it was but it would have led to something else I can't even imagine..
As I sat in silence and fought for the sanity of my mind...I could feel the lord
helping me see reason..but the hurt,the more I replayed the events the more I felt  the hurt
but I guess when you sit in silence for too long silence becomes you..
the anger dissipates,you can see clearly and think can hear the still small voice
loudly and clearly...

The devils tricks never really change...He is the accuser,the fault finder,
and he uses the same old lines that seem all too new...How could she say that to me..
Can you imagine this..It is not fair,How dare He take me for granted and before long the picture is painted,you boil in anger,you curse,you rant and quarrel..
hurtful words that cannot be taken back are said,relationships are damaged..people are hurt
How did it all start..A few suggestions through your thoughts,which you considered and accepted
as truth....It doesnt matter who is right or wrong...It is how you responded,How you reacted...

I must say I am not there yet...I still have a long way to go especially in this battle with my mind
but I must say I have come a long way..the holy spirit has worked and is still working on me..
I remember Feisty Me..... not quarrelsome..but I must say irrational and when provoked there wasn't any seasoning of salt to my words..

I remember the first 6months after Abi and I got married..every little disagreement would almost if not cause a quarrel...
I understand now how precious and apt right words are..and every word spoken in carelessness would be paid for some how.. I am still learning to bite my tongue but eh..this slow to speak,slow to wrath charge Is not so easy sometimes..but God would continue to help me...I am making progress..

Relationships are worth guarding ....The easiest way to destroy a happy home is to plant a seed of discord in the woman/mans heart,feed it daily through the pictures presented in his mind...stand back and watch it grow...
I have made up my mind to set a watch over my mind...God helping me...I would not loose this battle over my mind..I would pass every thought that comes through God's sieve.. His word..
nip It in the bud before it grows to consume me..and those I love..
I cannot wish or will bad thoughts away..I have to actively renew my mind to God
Concerning how I feel about every situation and hear Him remind me of what is true and praise worthy..

I try to talk about my hurts and grievances with the people or person in question..when I have had my time to be silent...and I try to put my point across,calmly with every word seasoned with plenty salt.....that way..I hold no grudges...and every time it always makes things better and the relationship is fostered...
And when the hurt is such that I can't speak to any one about it..I speak to God...I tell him exactly
how I feel and he always takes the hurt away and I am better for it..

So however this post meets you...let us do all that it takes to win the battles in our minds...especially as it relates to our relationships with our parents,spouses,children,loved ones friends..etc..
lets Guard our hearts with all diligence...It controls our thoughts,which affects not only our words but also our choices and we eventually become our thoughts.

Pls do share so we all can learn how you overcome your daily battles in your mind..
God bless you..

Provs 4:23-27(MSG)
Keep vigilant watch over your heart;that’s where life starts.Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth;avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip.Keep your eyes straight ahead;ignore all sideshow distractions.Watch your step,and the road will stretch out smooth before you.Look neither right nor left;leave evil in the dust.

Provs 15:23 (NRSV)
 To make an apt answer is a joy to anyone,
    and a word in season, how good it is!


Unknown said…
Ummm. The battle of life start first in our minds. It can be won or lost at the very point of conceiving it. The Bible says"... as a man thinketh, so he is..." if we daily duel on the word, we will think the word and the word will produce result in our thought and life. With God all things are possible. Weldone ma.
Stella Agwor said…
Thanks dear Tosin...I totally agree with you...May God help us as we continue to renew our minds through his Word..God bless you and love to your beautiful family

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