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I have thought about this hard and long...
A mother's heart...
What drives a mother to hope even in a hopeless situation.
what drives a mother to stay strong,confessing life even in the face of death..
I remember looking at my precious child,willing her to live
nothing mattered,nothing else was real to me other than my believe that she would live.
I laughed at doctors reports,refused negative confessions...
I believed,I hoped...A mother's Heart.

What makes a mother get on her knees,praying,hoping,believing
That a straying child would return home..
What makes a mother love even when her love is not returned
A mother's Heart
What makes a mother dream for her spouse,her children,her family
What makes a mother lose sleep,and petition heaven continuously
until change comes...
She sows seeds of love,encouragement,praise,godly counsel in the morning,
In the noon and in the night time expectantly waiting for a harvest.
A mother's heart.

Bible says women received their dead back to life(Heb 11:35)
This scripture has been my anchor these past months.
looking back to all that has happened,
I can't believe what I took on
I can't believe what drove me,the sacrifices I made
The enormous responsibilities I took on joyfully
I was willing to give up my time,career,life as it were
so my child could live..
Now I understand a Mother's Heart

God created us so uniquely..
The burdens we bear,the roads we travel
The promises we hold on to,The tears we shed amidst the smiles.
The big celebrations we make out of small wins and victories.
It is amazing that such soft,gentle and beautiful creatures
were indeed empowered to be so strong.
I am amazed at Our strength as women and mothers.
Today I celebrate myself and all godly mothers
I love myself,I say Well done Stella
for recognising who and what God has made you..
I am not perfect,still learning everyday but I recognise
That God is working in me both to will and do according to his good pleasure(Phil 2:13)

Dear Child of God
I bless God for your life..especially if you are a godly Mother...
God would not forget your labour of love..
Heaven is proud of you.

Be a blessing to a Mother..please Share.

PSALM 126:4-6 (The Message Translation)
And now, God, do it again—
 bring rains to our drought-stricken lives
So those who planted their crops in despair
will shout hurrahs at the harvest,
So those who went off with heavy hearts
 will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.


Joy said…
Very well written, only a Mother can recount her version of "a mother's heart." I celebrate you darling, God bless you.
Stella Agwor said…
Amen Joy Darln ...I celebrate you too.God bless
utibe ekanem said…
A mother's heart... U hv always had even before ur baby came,always with sweet words of encouragement. God sees it all and He alone can reward ur labour of love. I love u darling
Eno-obong said…
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM darling stell ur truly amazing mother.its deeper than i can express.i celebrate you and the faith in you.its just been a mother can express this words just like you have done.your bless shine on stell.
B. Falako said…
Dearest daughter, I thank and bless The Most High God for bringing u into my life. It is only by His Grace that one can be so positioned.
Thank You Lord for the grace of having You as our Lord and Saviour and the master over all our concerns.
Stella,thank you for being a vessel of honour, being so strong in faith when it mattered most.
Pls stay blessed. Luv u

B. Falako
Stella Agwor said…
Amen...Mummy God bless you too,you are an inspiration to Us your children,The way you love and prod us on..I Am truly blessed and honoured to have a mother-in-love like you.

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