It has been so hard to find the courage to write lately I call myself a woman of faith but l can't really say I have lived up to that this past few months. It is hard to say it is well to someone when it feels like all isn't well with you. It is really hard to encourage someone else when you don't feel encouraged at all, When all you see is how tough it is,it is so easy to over look the victories in spite of the difficulties. I have had this constant war in my mind questioning and doubting God, I have asked a million questions, Lord how is this season going to end ? how are you going to make a way? I have stayed up late worrying about how help is going to come and when.. When are things going to change? when are things going to turn around? Why do I find it so hard to trust in this God who I claim is my God? Why is it so easy to get overwelhemed and discouraged? I have realised what the true problem is.. I have simply forgotten Forgotten where God has broug...
You would never walk alone,as long as you have faith....