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Showing posts from January, 2015


Before the novelty of the new year wears off Let me take time to welcome you to 2015 and wish you a great year.. I so love a new year,it is a constant reminder of the Kind of God we serve.. who gives us another opportunity To start again,dream again,run again..regardless of what May or may not have happened in the past year.. Permit me to take a slow ride down memory lane as I look back at the highlight of my year 2014... I must look back so that I can appreciate  from whence God has brought me and where he is taking me to. I must look back lest I take for granted all he has done for me. I must look back so when the enemy comes to lie to me that God hasn't been good I can count my blessings and make My boast in the Lord. 2years ago after the loss of my daughter I found out that there was a 50/50 chance that the next child I conceived  was also going to die. I remember the consultant looking at I and my husband with a very sad face as he told ...