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Showing posts from February, 2014


Yesterday I said my goodbyes to a group of people I had grown so fond of... They had become not only my work colleagues but also Family. I spent the day being showered with hugs, kisses,gifts and I could tell,this people genuinely meant it. One would think I had worked there for ages... I had only been there for 14months or should I say 11months( I was unavoidable absent for 3months) I can only but say thank you Lord... I remember in all honesty when I accepted this Job I wasn't even sure of the possibility of me even working It was a big step of Faith... you see I had a sick child and I was depending on God for her every breath... Still I stepped on the water and decided to walk even with all the uncertainties and doubts I had.. I packed my bags and moved hundred's of kilometers to a place I had never been to.  I left family,friends and all that was familiar to go take up a job I wasn't even sure I could be physically present for. Call it faith or Mad...